- RT @CBalling RT @TheEconomist Inflation in job titles … http://econ.st/9bdoWK -/ /- I'm Indiana's Twitter Empress, U know =) cc @natfinn #
- Narcissistic RT @lindaAWI @jane_expressive .. you're becoming quite the Twitter expert! I'm impressed & say "thx" to @amystark #
- @aballstudio when is the next Hole in the Wall? I'll check with my daughter's social calendar and see if I'm free. Love you guys! in reply to aballstudio #
- RT @aballstudio [Amy] working on lots of things. Recently finished a 9 foot long kaleidoscope. -/ /- Any Pics? Send me URL so I can C it. #
- RT @Nancynnk … Do we need a Twitter class 4newbies? -//-Check http://bit.ly/AFPIndianaJune2 I train beginners all over Central #Indiana #
- To the tweeters who continually send ads via DMs – stop it this instant. #
- @Ed Makes me sad 2 block people. Goes against my well-mannered Mid-western never-met-a-stranger-I-didn't-like kind of upbringing in reply to Ed #
- @Ed I recently started blocking more rigorously. Kind of like batting flies away. in reply to Ed #
- RT @vanillacokehead … folks who spam me via DM get unfollowed, blocked, and reported for spam. damned blowhards. -/ /- that'll show 'em! #
- News, Reviews and Video from Installation Nation http://shar.es/m8Jxk — Start watching around 4 minutes to meet my friend @ABallStudio #
- I want an 8 foot Kaleidoscope! Put that on my @aballstudio wish list –once I make my second million. #
- Hey @CBalling U up for a Puccinni's salad? I haven't had one in ages. First topic = COP SM Training – they sent me a brochure #
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