- I favorited a YouTube video — I wanna be like you – The Jungle Book http://youtu.be/WOcyYyxqN_g?a #
- Miss Thing and her BFF are playing Wii Just Dance in the other room and singing REAL loud http://bit.ly/chIQH8 Life is Good! #
- @BengtWendel Sex is like bridge.If you don't have a good partner you'd better have a good hand-Mae West <=Way ahead of her time in reply to BengtWendel #
- @JBF_CPA Thanks for the #FF shout out. You are, and most likely will always be, my favorite Texan CPA that I will never meet. =) in reply to JBF_CPA #
- Why Open Source Makes Sense: Scientifically Proven – http://bit.ly/aZXc4E – Check this @FileSafeServer @RDCushing #
- @RoundPeg I just noticed your new avatar, Lorraine. Your personality shines through! #
- @beckypruitt Always great to see my favorite Barnyard Diva pop up in my tweet stream. I so love you calling me "Ms A" -My sis calls me "A" in reply to beckypruitt #
- @BengtWendel A dame that knows the ropes isn't likely to get tied up. -Mae West <= Perfect tweet sized quotes http://bit.ly/MaeWestPixels =) #
- Why tweet something with only one meaning when – with a little thought – you can slip another one in? #
- RT @Ed 😉 @anamitra Last year and 2008, women tweeted up to delivery themselves re: http://yfrog.com/7hv4okj #
- Hey @RDCushing Occasionally I #PinchTweet for Kim Brand The @FileSafeServer Guy. He thinks some may be offended by the term, Geek? Are you? #
- @RDCushing I define myself as an Internet infrastructure Geek, I can even talk intelligently about the OSI Model in reply to RDCushing #
- @willisteam You are absolutely correct! –I'm compiling a list of the different types of Geeks throughout history. #RUaGeek ? in reply to willisteam #
- Congratulations To her AND her parents RT @DrThomasHo Tabby is graduating from 8th-grade at Trader's Point Christian academy http://tpcs.org #
- RT @DrThomasHo http://indychristiangeeks.com to learn about http://GlobalMediaOutreach.com #GMOindy Internet Evangelism -//- @sssemester #
- RT @rebaaron The Dalai Lama is Wrong http://ping.fm/ahuvv #
- @genxxlgeneral Thanks for the flush-out. in reply to genxxlgeneral #
- RT @DrThomasHo Sweet! Didnt wait on hold when I called #GoDaddy com thx 2 @lucyphone. http://www.lucyphone.com! #customerservice VERY COOL! #
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