- @WayneMansfield "There are two ways to spread light. Be the candle or be the mirror." -Edith Wharton. Thank you, Wayne =) in reply to WayneMansfield #
- RT @tommytrc @AmyStark I'm lost over lost.-//- Check out the #LOST stream before the finale — there are some HILARIOUS tweets.. Clever! #
- RT @tommytrc Why Facebook Now Controls The Internet http://bit.ly/a8K9x5 #
- RT @JustineBranagan This is the best day ever! Following Amy Stark's advice she's one wise woman w/ a passion for social media- I'm tweeting #
- RT @lindaAWI And tonight all of us "24" fans will weep, scream or shout as the end of an era closes at 10:00 p.m. Sad to see Jack go! #
- @sssemester One Saturday I hosted a sleep-over and I was relegated to my office – so I watched several episodes of Lost on Hulu one weekend in reply to sssemester #
- @sssemester Interesting stories, interesting characters, time-travel, sci-fi, fantasy.The online presence of the fan base is fun AND funny. in reply to sssemester #
- @JustineBranagan Tweets are FAR from raw information -all tweets R filtered through a person or a bot. in reply to JustineBranagan #
- I <3 @Pew RT-New Media,Old Media The Blogosphere http://bit.ly/bzqKds -//-I'll B reading this in depth in the morning. I <3 @Pew #
- RT @HildyGottlieb ".. #NPCons chat? http://is.gd/cm0dY "-//- 1:00pm PT = 10:00am ET — I'll be sure to tweet it Up. Looks interesting! #
- @AaronCraigIABC I would be honored. Let me know a date and a time and I'll check my calendar. Amy at Stark reAlity Check dot com in reply to AaronCraigIABC #
- RT @DustinUrbanski … did you watch kimmel? -/ /- Only just a little bit. Hoping I'll have a moment or two later to watch it. #
- RT @HildyGottlieb @mattnathan You are the inspiration for tomorrow's #NPCons chat – I hope we'll see you there! 🙂 -/- 4pmET Tues May 25th #
- #LOST = GI's RT @BadAstronomer Hey, I heard the last episode of Gilligan's Island is airing tonight. Anyone gonna watch it? #
- @MPMcKee First UNprotect your tweets — Go to Settings – Profile – tweet privacy – and unclick – "Protect Tweets" — then get an avatar =) in reply to MPMcKee #
- @MPMcKee – I meant "Settings" and "ACCOUNT" not "profile." Sorry. You should pick an avatar that shows off your swan-like neck. =) in reply to MPMcKee #
- @MungaDMZ -Have @DennisDMZ ask @newtgingrich about the importance of twitter and his "Hashtag To Save America" initiative #tosaveamerica #
- @sssemester #Lost episodes are on @Hulu -I became interested when Pres @Obama said he wouldn't do SOTU speech during Lost Premiere Feb. 2 in reply to sssemester #
- @sssemester I love it when collective grassroots connections create a noise loud enough to affect change. It's empowering! in reply to sssemester #
- @MPMcKee After you upload the Picture BE SURE to scroll down and click SAVE settings. You're doing great! in reply to MPMcKee #
- Listening 2 Dennis Miller Live RT Now http://bit.ly/DennisDMZLiveStream – @NewtGingrich will be on to talk about #ToSaveAmerica #
- Hey @IndyEnigma @DaltonsBriefs @CBalling – @NewtGinrich on now (12:30pmET) http://bit.ly/DennisDMZLiveStream #IN_SM #tcot #ToSaveAmerica #
- RT @tommytrc: Twitter cuts the cord on third-party ad networks http://bit.ly/d5xiih -/ /- hey Tommy Ck http://bit.ly/DennisDMZLiveStream #
- RT @CHRISVOSS Avoid Thinking in Absolutes for Marketing or Business- http://bit.ly/bPNahi -/-Hey Chris ck http://bit.ly/DennisDMZLiveStream #
- RT @pamelareilly1 Use 4 cucumbers: Rub 1 over a squeaky hinge to stop the squeak. -/ /- Ck this http://bit.ly/DennisDMZLiveStream #
- @DanaMNelson Hey ck this http://bit.ly/DennisDMZLiveStream — It's live Streaming RIGHT NOW in reply to DanaMNelson #
- @ehvogel http://bit.ly/DennisDMZLiveStream – Are You Listening? in reply to ehvogel #
- @TerriGreenUSA @PajamasMedia @mytngenes @TexGEOas @RWfreckles @heirsinhope @OBAMA_GAMES @DyingSpirit http://bit.ly/DennisDMZLiveStream #
- @newtgingrich 's segment is over but you can still listen to the last couple of minutes http://bit.ly/DennisDMZLiveStream #tcot #IN_SM #
- RT @Ed "If you're doing the thing you love, time takes a different course entirely" -@SirKenRobinson http://on.ted.com/8L9J #
- RT @BlondeTXGoddess Energized. Inspired. Wealthy. Ripped. Sexy. Brilliant. Happy. Retool your vocabulary. (via @NobleNoggin) #
- Hey @drthomasho @douglaskarr @edeckers @CPollittIU When you have 15 mins #RunDon #039;tWalkWatch http://www.ted.com @SirKenRobinson #
- RT @mpiskorski @ Georgia Tech, showcasing @Facebook case, hoping other profs will start teaching it..-//-ck http://bit.ly/SirKenTED2010 #
- @SirKenRobinson I created a Customized bit.ly – http://bit.ly/SirKenTED2010 – It's easier to remember. Use it in good health! in reply to SirKenRobinson #
- Hey @NancyMyrland If you're in town Fri. 10:30am & happen 2 B in the Broad Ripple area -come hang out w/ me @sssemester and @pamelareilly1 #
- @Eddie_Curry I'd love for Miss Thing to hang w/ Juju & Uncle Eddie poolside. =) in reply to Eddie_Curry #
- @NancyMyrland drat! It would have been great to see you. And it's an interesting topic. My plan is to be at H&C by 9:30am in reply to NancyMyrland #
- @NancyMyrland Maybe you could pop in and say hey -Would love to see you & John! in reply to NancyMyrland #
- @NancyMyrland If you can't make it f2f, we know you'll be there in spirit… digitally =) in reply to NancyMyrland #
- @NancyMyrland -I shared this article http://bit.ly/dfP6yy Mid SAT PM w/ @sssemester and we discussed some of the issues in the article #
- Then @pamelareilly1 butt in w/ her 2 cents (U know I'm kidding Pamela =) We finally decided to have coffee and discuss in depth in person #
- Hey @lindaAWI Yes… Wednesday – Just sent you a Google Calendar Invite – Can we meet in Ft. Ben area? I LOVE that Panera. #
- RT @sssemester – @AmyStark Have you met @rebaaron ?-//- I met him digitally this very moment. Please join us @ H&C at 9:30 on Fri 28, Rabbi. #
- @HarrisonPainter #SMackdown is a fun word, isn't it? =) in reply to HarrisonPainter #
- Small Shop Development Group Time- noon -Social Media presented by Amy Stark WFYI Community Room 1630 N. Meridian http://bit.ly/June2ndWFYI #
- Hey @afpnein – do you have a list of all the @AFP Tweeters across the great state of #INdiana ? — #IN_SM #nwindiana #swindiana #Indy #
- Hey @CBalling – what do you know about them => http://afpindiana.afpnet.org/Home.aspx #
- @CBalling check out featured links rt hand side =>Center on Philanthropy-The Fund Raising School-Update Membership http://bit.ly/bxfTCY in reply to CBalling #
- @rebaaron @sssemester I'm working hard 2 convince the whole of #Indiana =) It would be great to set a time when @NancyMyrland can attend 2 #
- @lindaAWI just found out Miss Thing has half day on Wed. When is the SouthSide GNO? Maybe I can make it to that after all. =) in reply to lindaAWI #
- RT @Iconic88 Communications platforms like Twitter, Facebook etc can only use what you share. Put ur best foot forward. Always. #
- Ditto! RT @sssemester @AmyStark Absolutely. I love conversations with smart people! #
- Variation on the @Pew research -/ /- Mainstream Press, Social Media and Blogs: A Study in Contrasts on News Focus http://bit.ly/9fHKF3 #
- RT @jimstroud: And for the first time in a looong while, Jack smiles. #24 #
- RT @guy_finley: Patient investigation of any temporary truth about yourself can only bring more light into your inner world. #
- RT @HildyGottlieb "#NPCons chat http://is.gd/cm0dY "-//-TuesMay25 -4pmET Looks interesting! Just follow #NPCons tweet stream. #
- RT @TwainToday : Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer. Mark Twain #
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