- Google hiring 'Head of Social' http://bit.ly/dki2vD "Google knows it is late on this front " #
- A £1,000 fine for a Twitter 'bomb threat' is ridiculous http://bit.ly/b8zsin #
- @HarrisonPainter Hey are you going to make it to http://bit.ly/ISBF_2010 ? I'm in the lobby! in reply to HarrisonPainter #
- RT @taylormarek 8 Websites You Need to Stop Building – The Oatmeal http://ff.im/-kbHGS #
- Hey @dirtynap thanks for the RT, that was mighty neighborly of you. Do you think @Hup will go for Google's head of social media job? #
- Always a pleasure seeing you @HarrisonPainter I'm thrilled to know things are going well. You're a good person & deserve tremendous success! #
- RT @BeefandBoards @nuvo_net gave "Always… Patsy Cline" FIVE stars? http://ht.ly/1JIe0 -/ /- I thought four stars was the highest. #
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