• RT @lindaAWI Wise #women have learned that the uphill climb is much easier when linked arm in arm w/friends going in same direction! #
  • Hey @haterz1990C2 tweet me from the boat, eh? Hmmm I wonder why @gregcross told you to do that? I'm glad you did, though! #
  • RT @burchie …. BUTLER IS A TRENDING TOPIC 🙂 @amystark -/ /- I helped a little bit! Let's do it again tonight, shall we? #
  • @WISH_TV Breaking: (AP) Butler center Matt Howard shows no lingering effects from his concussion, and team doctors will allow him to play. in reply to WISH_TV #
  • RT @AceConcierge: Hoot in 3D! #HootSuite announces 3D Social Media Dashboard! #HootSuite3D http://hootsuite.com/hs3d #
  • #Butler coach Brad Stevens' wife Tracy just said in a TV interview,"I try not to think about it or I'll throw up." #

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