While doing research early in 2007 I discovered an outstanding website where the best and brightest shared ideas, innovations and inspirations. This brilliant site offered Talks-short videos-for free on topics ranging from Architecture to Zoology. I’ve been hooked ever since and now each morning, as I prepare myself to face the day, I watch a TED Talk rather than The Today Show. I’ve seen over 300 Talks (a modest estimation) – everything from the One Laptop Per Child initiative, to the Large Hadron Collider, to the comedic stylings of Rives at 4:00am and the list goes on and on.

Pat Coyle and I met last year at Hubbard and Cravens and while I enjoyed a cup of joe, Pat shared with me his initial vision and long term goals for Smaller Indiana. At that meeting I learned Pat was a fan of TED also, and that he hoped Smaller Indiana could be a TED-like repository where, “… Indiana’s most creative and inspired souls…[work] together to build community, culture and commerce.”

When I read Jeff Jerkington’s Blog “Top 10 Reasons Why I am NOT attending the Bigger Ideas Conference,” I felt compelled to share my unique perspective as a lover of all things TED, and a Smaller Indiana early adapter. In keeping with the list meme -which seems to be running rampant on Smaller Indiana – I will outline the Top 10 reasons why I AM attending the Bigger Ideas Conference on June 24th:

1. This is the ONLY opportunity to attend the Inaugural Smaller Indiana Bigger Ideas Conference, all subsequent events will be labeled the 2nd annual, 3rd, 4th, etc… In 25 years when the conference is celebrating its silver anniversary, I will be able to proudly say, “I attended the first one.”

2. Who wouldn’t want to hang out with early technology adopters who want to change the world? #Indiana geeks rock!

3. I’ll be able to say, “global grassroots communication at the speed of light” out loud and no one will react with glassy-eyed blank stares.

4. I’ll get at least five hugs from people I care about.

5. I hope to catch a glimpse of Eric Deckers in his leprechaun outfit.

6. I’ll be able to close my eyes during one of the inspirational talks and pretend TED is nearby.

7. I’ll have a chance to introduce my new nickname for Indianapolis => “The Crossroads of the Information Superhighway.” (Did anyone invite my man, Mitch?)

8. It will be an opportunity to show off my new purse which is now big enough to carry my twitter soapbox. On the 24th if you ask me anything about twitter be prepared for me to whip it out.

9. I’ll get to hang with Pat Coyle, who was the very FIRST tweeter I followed in April 2008. < @Sports20 >

10. I’ll also get to hang with Doug Karr who was number two … er, um … the SECOND tweeter I followed. < @DouglasKarr >

Idea (Pat) + Technology (Doug) = Smaller Indiana

Smaller Indiana + Bigger Ideas Conference = an opportunity to learn and add your voice to #Indiana’s best and brightest as we work together to build our future.