- Super Bowl marketers go all out http://bit.ly/crWcQO "They've deputized an entire population via Twitter"-//- I wasn't deputized! #
- Teen blogging replaced by Facebook status updates http://bit.ly/bkyMiB "Blogging is becoming a thing of the past for teens.." #
- Wow. Step away from twitter on #FF and look who recommends me. THANKS! @pcpoy @RajinderYadav @JC_Russell @BBoomsma @JBF_CPA @ChefJonAshton #
- Thanks for the smile, @LolaMcIntyre , this is darling http://bit.ly/b8p2aA #followfriday Lola because she sends me stuff like this. =) #
- Thanks @Dafforn Let's hope the #SB44 crowd gets the message. Hey @RobertThompson @SyracuseUniNews U should follow @Dafforn's advice #IN_SM #
- #followfriday => @tommytrc -//- T O M M Y ! I'm so sad I wasn't here when U retweeted me. I hope you're going to enjoy #SB44 weekend #
- #Followfriday => @CPollittIU He is a #ff GENIUS who always recommends me with the best peeps. Thanks Chad. How are the twins? #
- Thnx Kathy! RT @kathysipple Happy #ff! #IN_SM edition @HarrisonPainter @CpollittIU @davewoodson @daltonsbriefs @amystark @chuckgose @natfinn #
- #followfriday @HarrisonPainter Yes! We voted and everything. #IN_SM is the hashtag for #Indiana 's Social Media Influentia #
- Hey @HarrisonPainter — @KathySipple told me that "hashtag" was the British term for the pound sign "#" Can any of my #UK friends confirm? #
- Please #followfriday my friend from beautiful #Evansville in Southern #Indiana => @StevenWABX #
- I'm deeply honored 2 B considered your friend. Even though you're from Wisconsin-you're still good people, @CarlsonSpeaking <= #followfriday #
- Please #followfriday => @LaurieAGriffith @socialdzine @nwivolunteer @unitedwaypc @AmericorpsIN #nwindiana #IN_SM #Indiana! #
- No worries here, @Coxymoney It takes a lot more than calling me a girl to offend me. #
- Thanks! RT @dmwdirect #FF Internet Marketng @jim_brown @slingshot_SEO @kyleplacy @firebelly @douglasskarr @jamespaden @chrislucas5 @AmyStark #
- It reminds me of the phrase, "I've been called a lot worse by a better class of people." #followfriday => @WordGroupie (Good 2CU =) #
- LOL — Why does everyone think I'm snarky, @Coxymoney ? I think I'm sweet =) Thanks for the props, Ryan. Really… no worries here. #
- The #IN_SM stuff happened a couple of weeks ago @HarrisonPainter Here's the complex form I set up to capture votes http://bit.ly/4vqDPM #
- They are wonderful, @CPollittIU http://twitpic.com/zsdte It does go by so fast. Pretty soon they'll be teenaged girls. Enjoy 'em now. #
- RT @Coxymoney & @vixwrld what is new in #Starkworld?-/- I'm looking 4 the perfect company to hire me and leverage my Social Media Snarkiness #
- HaHa! A former boss told me to sit at the kitchen table and clean a gun whenever a boy comes over to pick up my daughter, @CPollittIU #
- @prebynski Your little Christmas miracle is getting cuter and cuter- Webster is so darling. I should post a pic of my puppy. in reply to prebynski #
- Thanks! You have a great wknd 2! RT @PCS_CLUB #Awesome #FF #friends @AnnieSage @quoteshash @AmyStark @SexyVal09 Have a great weekend! #
- What's shakin' with you guys? @Coxymoney @vixwrld (gender neutral of course) #
- @HarrisonPainter #IN_SM is only used by the super groovy #Indiana SM peeps. @robbyslaughter started it at the #SMackdown in reply to HarrisonPainter #
- This is HILARIOUS especially if U know how much #PeytonManning does for the community http://bit.ly/bWKgmg Go #COLTS #fb #SB44 #
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