- Hey @LolaMcIntyre Thanks for the props and listing me among #Indiana's Social Media Luminaries #IN_SM #
- 50% Firms will Use Twitter in 2 yrs http://bit.ly/ae0wHb "Rigid distinction between e-mail and social networks will erode" #
- Gartner Reveals 5 Social Software Predictions for 2010 and Beyond http://bit.ly/bnE0zH -/ /- by 2014 SM replaces 20% biz email. #
- That which we call twitter By any other name would smell as sweet. Text-based global grassroots connectivity is here to stay. #
- @kyleplacy You're right! That's why I keep beating the "You must be nimble and don't put all your SM eggs in one basket" drum. in reply to kyleplacy #
- Journalists increasingly utilize social media sites http://bit.ly/diNsw4 "..half of the journalists reported using Twitter.." #
- 'Demon sheep' ad rules Twitter http://bit.ly/bpMlMR @daltonsbriefs U probably already know about @demonsheep and #FCINO #IN_SM #
- Hey @terrymslobodian did you see that the official NFL hashtag for #Superbowl XLIV is #SB44 ? Go #Colts WooHoo #Indiana #IN_SM ! #
- Hurricane Katrina image on #Indianapolis #Colts player's Twitter photo page-Colts say page was hacked http://bit.ly/aqWbNM #SB44 #
- Your family must be very proud, @sssemester Congratulations! #
- RT @CarlsonSpeaking Serious things can be understood through laughable things. ~ Plato -/ /- those nutty ancient Greeks #
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