- RT @CPollittIU Would you be interested in writing about T.H.A.R.G principles for my book? -/ /- Yes! #
- @CPollittIU Be sure to say THARG like a Pirate with a lisp =) I'm a big fan of using mnemonics to help peeps remember concepts. #
- RT @andersonpr @SavSmallTownUSA It's great 2 C #Alexandria #Indiana being represented on Twitter! -/ /- Did I have something to do with it? #
- @creoquality I joined last week =) I'm not a TWITTER ONLY person. I just think Indy marketers don't leverage twitter's full potential. #
- @creoquality Thanks for posting that, Jon. 1 Million will be tough, unless SM peeps from other states to vote for us. Go #Indiana! #
- @pamelareilly1 I prefer not to know when someone unfollows me. in reply to pamelareilly1 #
- @pamelareilly1 It may not benefit a peep to accommodate the un-followers. I'm a proponent of authenticity. Be yourself! in reply to pamelareilly1 #
- RT @jojosmojo I really don't understand the need to have #Indiana as a trending topic.. -/ /- There are lots of things I don't understand… #
- @jojosmojo …. that doesn't mean it isn't important. #
- @ripsup THARG! p 74 in #TweetersAlmanac http://bit.ly/3m2q8z You can download it for free. in reply to ripsup #
- @ripsup THARG=Transparency Honesty Authenticity Reciprocity Gratuity — 5 leading principles of twitter, IMHO in reply to ripsup #
- @ripsup I haven't been pushing the #TweetersAlmanac too much. It's a beta version, until I write up the SMackdown case study. in reply to ripsup #
- Hey @daltonsbriefs @natfinn — @jojosmojo knows me through #SI. He's never talked to me one-on-one or heard me speak about twitter. #
- @daltonsbriefs @natfinn — @jojosmojo 's opinion about twitter is common in Indianapolis. Even among SM advocates who should know better. #
- @natfinn I feel safer already. in reply to natfinn #
- @lindaAWI No but I heard Tucker Carlson on the Dennis Miller show as I was chauffeuring my daughter and her friends around. #
- @lindaAWI Here is the blogger you mentioned http://bit.ly/6MbnUP and @jtLOL is his twitter handle. I followed him- let's see what happens #
- @wilkersonrick I missed seeing U, 2 I hope your PC crap is over, that's never fun. Maybe we should commiserate over the Chinese Buffet in reply to wilkersonrick #
- @andersonpr I got a nice email from Stan. THNX 4 giving me props. Do you know I tried live tweeting from The Garden MONTHS ago? in reply to andersonpr #
- RT @lindaAWI We need not seek perfection; but instead seek our authentic self! At any 1 moment, our authentic self is perfect. #
- RT @MCCHC I attended your twitter dialogue on Friday. I learned some new things-//-I'm honored U learned & thrilled U called it a dialog #
- Here's the #forTWayne Santa on Wolf & Dessaurs http://bit.ly/4Kepp4 Imagine the large department store in Christmas Story — That was W&D #
- @natfinn 46% votes = #indSM -/-/- 54% votes = #IN_SM -That took me 5 minutes to figure out the % (sounds better than 7 – 8) in reply to natfinn #
- RT @Juliasnz The path unravels / Yet we persist in our search / The future beckons #haikuchallenge "persist" #haiku @Baffled #
- @robbyslaughter Do you think my ONLY Goal was to see #Indiana pop up in the Trend list? You know me better than that, Robby. in reply to robbyslaughter #
- @jojosmojo it's important because of the infrastructure history of communications. There are potentially 4 Billion twitter ready devices. in reply to jojosmojo #
- @jojosmojo As a species we are connected GLOBALLY at the grassroots level for the first time in recorded history. in reply to jojosmojo #
- @jojosmojo Even if 90% of all tweeters join the #bandwagoning crap – there're 10% of tweeters who realize it is an evolutionary game changer in reply to jojosmojo #
- When a respected person in the community like @jojosmojo demeans twitter, it's an opportunity to change opinions @natfinn -so I don't mind #
- @chadrichards It is digitally inscribed on my Google Calendar. R U still good to go? in reply to chadrichards #
- @jojosmojo to bring #Indiana together with one voice to participate in the global dialog taking place round the clock on twitter. in reply to jojosmojo #
- @jojosmojo EVERY tweeter belongs to at least ONE other SM platform. NO other SM platform can make that claim. in reply to jojosmojo #
- @jojosmojo Having #Indiana trend isn't the game changer. Global grassroots communication at the speed of light is a BIG ass game changer in reply to jojosmojo #
- @jojosmojo I have no idea what the next big tech wave will look like, but I'll bet you a quarter l'll learn about it first on twitter. in reply to jojosmojo #
- @jojosmojo a cause to keep #Indiana relevant in an INFORMATION based global economy vs. an industrial based economy. in reply to jojosmojo #
- @sushirevenge @jojosmojo @natfinn I must sign off.. just when it was getting good. I'll be writing a blog about WHY this is so important in reply to sushirevenge #
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