- @sushirevenge Thanks for the #TweetersAlmanac plug. Please keep in mind some of the data is old, even though it was accurate in August 09 in reply to sushirevenge #
- @prebynski It's a New Year's Miracle.Thank you SO much 4 adding that plugin to my blog. I've been wanting it forever! You're a good person in reply to prebynski #
- #FollowSnowDay => @michaelreynolds Who came up with that hashtag! I think it's swell. Thnx for the recommendation. #
- @michaelreynolds it's darling. Hey did you vote for the unifying hashtag for #Indiana's Social Media INfluentia? http://bit.ly/4vqDPM in reply to michaelreynolds #
- Hey @natfinn – could you send me a link to your blog post. So far #indSM has 60% of the vote — #IN_SM 40% #
- @andersonpr I'm looking forward to it. If I-69 is clear, I should be there with no problem. in reply to andersonpr #
- Sorry @Bnpositive @BgKahuna Go here to vote http://bit.ly/4vqDPM The ballot is very detailed, please allow 15 minutes to complete =) #
- @Bnpositive @BgKahuna If you need some background information chedk out @natfinn 's blog about it http://ow.ly/Tyqt Kibitzing welcome there in reply to Bnpositive #
- Hey @natfinn I just posted the #IN_SM vs #indSM question to the group on Smaller #Indiana. How about we allow votes till Friday at midnight? #
- I can't remember my security code for my wireless router? I can see the device in "connections," but I can't find where PW stored. #
- Thanks @rickyleepotts for the interview! I almost sounded intelligent. When's the next tweetUP? #
- Hey #Indiana you should follow @ekmlss She's my niece from Dubuque IA. I am far and away her favorite Aunt Amy =) love ya, mean it… #
- Hey @ekmlss did you see my twitter interview with @rickyleepotts ? http://bit.ly/5g6mYJ #
- TweetUP RT @rickyleepotts @AmyStark Monday, January 25th at 7 at @brewhouse. The topic is Tiger Woods. Use your imagination! #
- Hey #Indiana! #Anderson Creative Solutions invited me 2 speak tomorrow 1/8 @noon http://bit.ly/5XAqSA Ridge Crossing Auditorium #
- @rickyleepotts I can't believe you're following Sir Ken. I should never have tweeted anything about that in my interview, how embarrassing! in reply to rickyleepotts #
- @rickyleepotts I am so blushing right now. Did you see his web-site? Just watch the intro. http://bit.ly/8znucx in reply to rickyleepotts #
- @rickyleepotts ok… I couldn't find the FB thing you mentioned. Will I find it on your wall? in reply to rickyleepotts #
- @BgKahuna I missed UR comment from earlier about how I should've simplified the ballot http://bit.ly/4vqDPM I always try 2 complicate things in reply to BgKahuna #
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