Tweets from Gregory Cross' Class

Tweets from Gregory Cross' Class

While minding my own business on a un-eventful Thursday, I began to receive a number of tweets with a common theme.  I captured some of the tweets in the image you see on the  left. Gregory Cross of Cross Creative was giving a twitter training and he told all of his students to start following me, and they did en-masse.  This was not pre-planned and I had no idea he was going to do this.

Below you will find my tweet responses.  It was my intent to give them all a little bit of twitter advice in a conversational tone, plus give Gregory Cross props for sending me new #Indiana followers and calling me “The Twitter Champ!” That’s a new one I can add to my list of titles =)

2009-10-29 14:55:21
@lemanship Great to meet you. I hope @GregoryCross also told you to put #Indiana in a tweet or two- to show your proud Hoosier heritage!

2009-10-29 15:00:37
How are things in #Anderson #Indiana @communitynetbiz ? It was mighty neighborly 4 @gregorycross to recommend his twitter students follow me

2009-10-29 15:02:28
@kyleochs apparently @gregorycross is a twitter savant, you should trust his recommendation.


2009-10-29 15:05:46
@MainStAuto tweet at least once a day. Become the definitive voice in #Elwood #Indiana for auto care
2009-10-29 15:06:56
@MainStAuto Do a search for tweeters in your area and start following them. You have a totally fabulous twitter handle btw


2009-10-29 15:14:32
@EastCentralBapt you should also follow @prebynski – who has close ties to #Muncie #Indiana and he gets twitter. He’s a good guy!
2009-10-29 15:23:20
narcissitic RT @kristylynnrose @amystark I’m in the #Anderson twitter class as well. We hear from @gregorycross that UR the tweeting champ!