- RT @DennyCoates "Out of difficulties grow miracles." – Jean de la Bruyere #
- Hey @LocalGoldBuyers If I live on the North Side of Indy where is the closest Local Gold Buyer? #
- RT @dszp RT @funnyoneliners Toddlers are the stormtroopers of the Lord of Entropy. #
- Groovy shower #design http://t.co/ArO5OuUN In the bathroom: The shower floor, wall and ceiling become a seamless riot of color. #
- Thanks for the RT @TodaysMiracles – that was very nice of you. I think you'd enjoy following @BengtWendel #
- #TwitterBestPractice -Connect peeps who have a point of commonality. e.g. @DrThomasHo and @WebGrrrrl #
- Twitter reportedly chooses Berlin for its German HQ http://t.co/baUdVlEe #
- – I hear, I know. I see, I remember. I do, I understand. — Confucius #
- Pinterest to change Terms of Service in response to copyright questions http://t.co/JtzHvVDN #Pinteresting #
- Bio RT @carrieatthill … lover of big words, rhyme & alliteration. #Packers fan, Star Wars geek & book nerd… #
- #SocialMedia #Infographic http://t.co/ffHBkKSy 66% of adults feel they’re being exposed to too many ads on Facebook and Twitter. #
- Thanks! @UCPritzker #
- Can you send me a link to a campus map @UCPritzker ? Will there be anyone who can answer a few questions? #
- Hey @WebGrrrrl as a "snarky schooldistrict webmaster" – you will enjoy following @drthomasho #
- "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.-Mark Twain cc @kmullett @edeckers #
- @offsitedata It was a blog comment…"In response to The_Quiet_Earth’s question about time-traveling marines.." #TrueStory #
- Bravo! You were the first to reply @UCPritzker – Bonus points for that. How about Friday March 30th? I'm not even kidding. #
- Pygmalion and Galatea in the public domain – I saw the original. I stared at the original painting f http://t.co/ho5oBb8v #
- RT @BengtWendel Who runs the world? The age of the female-centric startup http://t.co/quvcYxQp via @TNWinsider #
- Social Network Turns Technical Writer into Hollywood Author http://t.co/ArfFi8TN #
- Anyone would interpret your neither confirming nor denying as a blatant confirmation @kmullett cc @edeckers #
- Hey @LoyolaHealth – My daughter wants to go to a medical school in Chicago, could we meet with someone next week? #
- How much would you like to bet @kmullett has mentioned that to someone F2F @edeckers Can't you just hear him say it? #
- Hey @UCPritzker My daughter wants to go to a medical school in Chicago. Can we stop in for a visit next week? #
- RT @ kmullett I'm still partial to telling employers that ask for you Facebook password. "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours." #
- RT @ali_jae 20% twitter users more likely to attend a political event, 50% more likely to try to influence a vote #twitterDC #
- Social Media – True Story – Does Duplicate Content Hurt SEO ? – http://t.co/7ctA9ebM #
- Thanks for the RT yesterday @PayrollDept Happy Friday! #
- Long time no tweet @typertist I hope life is treating you well! =) #
- TY and Hi! RT @typertist @tommytrc @OhDaddy @WebGrrrrl @MizShelly @RossLaRocco @MarcBusko_Bars @tiglu @VAinParadise @mmangen @carrieatthill #
- Ansel Adams – #PublicDomainImage http://t.co/DovEqVlY "Fountain Geyser Pool, Yellowstone National Park," #
- #PublicDomainImage http://t.co/dTO96Zqs Ernest and Mary Hemingway at the Finca Vigia, Cuba #
- Narcissistic RT @DonKincaid I gave @AmyStark +K about Indiana on @klout for promoting Indiana #SM talent http://t.co/bFBLDUnp #
- Smartphone Usage Statistics 2012 [Infographic] http://t.co/pPAUXDWH #
- Will Social Media Evangelists Earn $1 Million a Year in the Future? – Forbes http://t.co/IgcCMWTI cc @JayBaer @MariSmith #
- The Best Etch a Sketch Jokes Of The Day So Far – Forbes http://t.co/7laHwEYO #
- Social Media – True Story – http://t.co/SFVdHF1U Duplicate Content – SEO – Facebook Discussion <= New Blog. #
- RT @roundpeg Are you up for the challenge ? The @roundpeg. Crew is playing paintball on Friday at 12:30 . Want to join us? #
- Good times, indeed @DonKincaid Face-to-Face = King! cc @StevenShattuck @KitWessendorf @dougrotman @LindsayManfredi @SharleneBoodram #
- When is your next lunch thing, @randyclarktko ? May I crash? #
- Thanks @HildyGottlieb – I marked Tuesday, April 17th 1pm – 2pm US PT on my calendar. Hey @IndySOW ck => http://t.co/uM6lNdXp #NPCons #
- I'm not a fan of auto posting other people's content willy nilly @CBalling But I use paper.li – and @bufferapp to drip tweets that I write. #
- That's an excellent idea @amrecker What times are good for you? My schedule is flexible on those days. #FinallyFaceToFace =) #
- Hey @PaulDAndrea – Visual Athlete is my #FavePhrase4Today =>
http://t.co/pNtCxhhE Joel Meyerowitz1 # - The Five Personalities of Innovators: Which One Are You? – Forbes http://t.co/hZfsngqY #
- RT @ScLoHo #SalesTip today is about shutting up and listening http://t.co/6vjf1agr #
- Will Social Media Evangelists Earn $1 Million a Year in the Future? – Forbes | @scoopit http://t.co/Dg4WV3cl #
- Liked => Why everyone hates the IT department http://t.co/ZMS9Q4As RT @codatory #
- Will Social Media Evangelists Earn $1 Million a Year in the Future? – Forbes http://t.co/Ub6fIeEP -//- WooHoo! #
- Ernest Hemingway at the Finca Vigia, Cuba 1946 http://t.co/iLAfqKC3 #
- I added @kmullett as one of my influencers on @klout. Who influences you? http://t.co/ITpT6b1r #
- I received +K in #indiana from @LeilanMcNally, thanks! http://t.co/swVaE5cV You Rock, Leilan #
- Narcissistic RT @firebelly – @AmyStark as always great to see you – since you are a deep thinker and always add intellectual flair! #
- RT @randyclarktko RT @RockyWalls RT @tcmindy Help us win a Telly.. visit this link and give our video a Thumbs Up http://t.co/T4dUTLek #
- Great to see you guys last night – please let me know when your next Indy Road Trip is @DonKincaid @kmullett let's have lunch! cc @amrecker #
- RT @HildyGottlieb If you missed yesterday's AWESOME #NPCons chat on the power of reaching for AWESOME => http://t.co/TVMSnSYO #nonprofit #
- Riding the Booster with enhanced sound http://t.co/xb74vftH You probably have already seen this, @Ed @drthomasho #astronaut #NASA #AMAZING #
- RT @Dimitrious Thanks, guys! See you next month, everyone! Tues April 17, 1pm PT (US) Mark your calendar now! #npcons http://t.co/twQcPQip #
- Hey @CBalling It's an automated aggregation daily. That one includes my "peeps – I – hug" twitter list =) But it is an automated post, fyi #
- I think I gave @BgKahuna Bacon Klout, too @Mytydye – It made me smile to see that category. How's life treatin' ya, Jan? #
- U R sweet @firebelly — great time last night. This was the first opportunity I had to tweet about it. Coffee – Soon — invite @ChadRichards #
- Congratulations on the new gig @freighter – I just saw @douglaskarr 's email #
- #PublicDomain Images http://t.co/o91CXSZh Arapaho camp with buffalo meat drying near Fort Dodge, Kansas, 1870 #
- Stark ReAlity Check is out! http://t.co/0849RqM6 ▸ Top stories today via @CBalling #
- Up-to-date is no longer good enough. Up-to-the-minute is the new standard. #StarkReAlityCheck #
- http://t.co/hgHzWVh9 Photo of the Day: Winter Fog #
- Up-to-date is no longer good enough. Up-to-the-minute is the new standard. http://t.co/SrZJK0mX #
- Your turn @tommytrc What is one good thing happening in your world. R U having a heat wave in #Wisconsin like we are in #Indiana #
- #1GoodThing – I'm going 2 a Social Media Soiree tonight @tommytrc -I'll be rubbing elbows w/ the likes of @douglaskarr @firebelly @kyleplacy #
- It's Tuesday so you know what that means -by the power vested in me – I declare Today T O M M Y ! ! ! Tuesday! cc @tommytrc #
- Narcissistic RT @tommytrc RT @AmyStark: Amy Stark on Prezi http://t.co/0vsyypfP –||– Thanks Tommy =) #
- Stark ReAlity Check is out! http://t.co/0849RqM6 ▸ Top stories today via @douglaskarr @BenRisinger #
- http://t.co/9gIwIjoo Got influence? Get a FREE signed copy of Mark Schaefer's new book. #
- RT @DerekMcClain Amen. RT @seaniemic: With an office full of IU grads, this week is going to be annoying. #
- #DesignInspiration http://t.co/B6Lriqh0 In Japan, Even the Barcodes Are Well Designed #
- Social vs. Search from @MDGadvertising http://t.co/imQ2BcRV #
- #ShakespeareanInsult "I think thou wast created for men to breath themselves upon thee. – All's Well That Ends Well #
- Do Digital Gadgets Increase Our Appetite For News? – NPR | @scoopit http://t.co/FLQEAiUa #
- Amy Stark on Prezi http://t.co/1hGfWYni Hey @WilkersonRick Here is @prezi – #
- Audacity® is free, open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds. http://t.co/wh3fqjeu #
- "I am surely tired of struggling to uncover relevant and intelligent commentary on this topic. " – #FaveBlogPostSpamCommet #
- My week on twitter: 1 retweets received, 1 mentions. Via: http://t.co/yYpaj94h #
- Yes! Just working on some stuff to share. #
- #WikiMediaCommons Image of the day http://t.co/hGZS66sB Wasp #
- What a material of un-ambiguity and preserveness of valuable familiarity concerning unpredicted emotions. — #FavBlogPostSpam #