- 6 Tips for Deploying Geo-targeted Microsites for Local Search: It’s not uncommon for Kuno to take on a new clien… http://t.co/vOrPg86U #
- From The Atlantic http://t.co/4pR6WqAz Study of the Day: English Is an Overwhelmingly Positive Language. #
- RT @washingtonpost: Obama to answer YouTube questions about #SOTU on Google+ http://t.co/xtXxJaxc #
- 4 BILLION per DAY RT @huffingtonpost: YouTube reveals how many videos are watched per day http://t.co/dh4Jq2Q3 #
- RT @Savvy_B2B 10 Requirements for a Successful Online Content Marketing Plan by @cpollittIU #B2B Guest Post http://t.co/z3maTFm1 #
- RT @librarianbyday: think #sopa is dead? think again. The next SOPA http://t.co/3qCiFndA #pipa #alamw12 #
- RT @amlibraries: Scholarly collection of slang honored with 2012 Dartmouth Medal for outstanding reference work… http://t.co/C9zbym75 #
- haha @CPollittIU I was so busy managing communities I didn't even notice. I have an idea I'd like to discuss with you and @jmctigue #
- …but I want to discuss it out loud in the tweet stream. No need to worry I won't give away any company secrets =) cc @CPollittIU @jmctigue #
- Can I pin 'em on #IN_SM11 Board? e.g. http://t.co/vEJ60plM Rocky Walls, Lorraine Ball, and Mark Orders Woempner Photo by @JoshHumble #
- Rocky Walls, Lorraine Ball, and Mark Orders Woempner Photo by @JoshHumble http://t.co/vEJ60plM #
- Resistance is futile @cballing We are Big Brother – the ubiquitous collective. We need smart-reason-able peeps participating. #
- Watched it Again RT @nicolewthr: only one song can bring together dog lovers and star wars fans! http://t.co/bGlve40Z … #
- Debunking Inbound Marketing Groupthink with Multivariate Testing: Multivariate and A/B testing has been around f… http://t.co/ZWk3bS07 #
- The New Pew Data on E-Readers Show How Digital Divides Persist http://t.co/guuSqcUx via @gatesfoundation #
- Which Channel Has the Highest Inbound Marketing Mojo?: I hate conventional wisdom. That's why I attack it more o… http://t.co/khUgvvRT #
- @joshhumble I'm going to post all of them on Pinterest, if you're OK with that #IN_SM11 #
- @cballing You said, "I just crossed a major threshold. I created a profile … " that's what I was referring to, CB. #
- RT @weirdchina The Top 50 Technology News Sources http://t.co/3NewTQR5 ~ #tech #news #media #
- Facebook Reaches Out to Assist Military Organizations with Social Media: Historically, the U.S. Military, branch… http://t.co/GiaQ7HrM #
- RT @washingtonpost: How Twitter helped the White House http://t.co/SScVs4A4 #
- 3 Beginner's Tips To Ramp Up Your Content Marketing Efforts: We've been talking a lot about how SEO is changing … http://t.co/69rta3Mt #
- RT @vknipper: Brands Get Pinteractive & Engaging on Pinterest http://t.co/7X6FtXgA #Pinning #
- My Inbound Marketing Advice to Barry Feldman: I usually get pretty annoyed when people try to "pick my brain" fo… http://t.co/UfBjenex #
- I'll vouch for both of ya … that's the power of knowing someone face to face. Y'all are good people @CBalling and @pamelareilly1 =) #
- Hey @CBalling I've been a fan of @marcapitman 's work ever since @drthomasho set a meetup and then didn't show. #SMMemories =) #
- @marcapitman I think @CBalling was complimenting your website http://t.co/OWfeCPHJ and mobile version. #
- <hanging my head in shame> I have not finished my SMackdown final analysis yet @joshhumble and @kmullett Plus I have to get trophies out =( #
- Crazy month: busy days, a very sick puppy & now my mom has decided to move from FtW to an Indy Retirmnt Community cc @joshhumble @kmullett #
- @kmullett –I will be making a #FtWayne Trip soon- I have several trophies to drop off- including yours for Most Influential Dude #IN_SM11 #
- It was in the Dinosaur Days of Social Media (2008 or 2009) cc @CBalling @marcapitman @drthomasho #
- haha @DrThomasHo and it really is one of my favorite #SMMemories cc @cballing @marcapitman #
- Listening right now. Bravo! RT @DrThomasHo #fetc Slidecast is ready at http://t.co/dyBEmP5r #
- Today in Tech: Twitter's new censorship ability http://t.co/AYaJOYah #
- Google Chrome’s RSS Support Problem. . . and How To Fix It (sort of): Many people have been enjoying the blazing… http://t.co/zosClWnZ #
- Content Marketing (and Barking Dogs) Offer Preview of Super Bowl Ads: There's a football game that takes place i… http://t.co/RlQo7Xi3 #
- BREAKING: Facebook to File for IPO Next Week [REPORT] http://t.co/F2yVI5Zf via @mashable #
- http://t.co/WrGYQLFM Beautiful #
- @edeckers the very act of putting #twitterblackout in a tweet means you already participated. #
- Relax: Twitter's New Censorship Policy Is Actually Good for Activists http://t.co/ykpduBvJ via @mashable #fb #
- I would so love that @HSchoegler That's the best part of #IN_SM11 — getting to meet groovy peeps like you. What about Sat Morn Breakfast? #
- haha @CBalling your tweet reminded me that, "Time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana." – Groucho Marx cc @StevenWABX #
- My good friend @DrThomasHo knows what he's talking about => #fetc Slidecast is ready at http://t.co/dyBEmP5r #educhat #Google+ #
- RT @AroundIndy #Indy Today 'Dixie Swim Club' @ Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre-8 pm http://t.co/9vczYKVx #Indianapolis #Indiana @BeefandBoards #
- Rated R Proceed with caution http://t.co/JggTc43h In little over a month, the “Sh*t [People] Say” video meme has gone majorly mainstream, #
- You participated on some level @edeckers because you put the hashtag in the stream… you propagated the idea of the #twitterblackout #
- I think the whole world is overly serious in general @CBalling @pamelareilly1 Closest distance between 2 people is laughter – Victor Borge #
- @jedi_roach do you always thank new followers? #
- History of Local Search http://t.co/fqJDhfGo PInteresting infographic @CPollittIU @jmctigue #
- The Inbound Marketing Week in Review – Microsites, Content Marketing, and Mojo: Hello there, inbound marketing f… http://t.co/9BMCG8kp #
- So how do you select the people to send a shout out to, @jedi_roach ? #
- Thanks for the mention, @Wulffy – and for posting the @Twitter story
Twitter, Democracy, and Internet Freedom http://t.co/ZNipDumj #