- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/unrgIFz9 (via @YogaArmy, @tonebizz & @jesse1957) #
- Top Challenges in Modern Website Design – #1 Browsers: Regardless of where you are in the development of your bu… http://t.co/DsmABxSg #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/WVA3Li2P (via @crsofr, @QueenTips & @FireAlley) #
- New Year's Eve & Mobile Marketing with Svedka Vodka: As the new year approaches many of you will be making your … http://t.co/pX6tofvy #
- Hey @kmullett I'm in the Ft. and my sis from San Diego saw this at the bottom of the business section of the paper. http://t.co/jLFbHriY #
- Driving back to Indy today, @kmullett and as soon as I get my sister on the plane I'll focus on @brewhouse luncheon http://t.co/dfZwvhA7 #
- That's wonderful @kmullett I'd love to see a copy of what you sent — maybe you could post in on the FB page http://t.co/saWYfIpG #
- Thanks! RT @memeticbrand: The Memetic Brand is out! http://t.co/boXxE84J ▸ Top stories today via @AmyStark #
- WAY Cool! RT @cballing My kind of people! "Bruno Barn Move" from 1988. http://t.co/8aGGUAk6 @nlitvin @CaraDafforn @AmyStark #philanthropy #
- RT @bgkahuna: RT @AmyStark: Reserve your FREE ticket NOW 4 the 3rd Annual Social Media Summit on Dec 30th http://t.co/ttev6p8Q #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/sEB1avGm (via @tinacary, @Mandatek & @OrenTodoros) #
- Top Challenges in Modern Website Design – #2 Mobile: Well, at least people are starting to pay attention. Most w… http://t.co/EVEeXOBn #
- RT @CPollittIU Google+ predicts that it will have 400 million users by end of 2012 | http://t.co/hx7jM8FG http://t.co/9lazPzuJ #
- RT @SteveGarretson – … is BgK gonna do a song and dance Nbr? -//- One never knows what to expect with @BgKahuna . What is Nbr? #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/F3h82fvp (via @weirdnews, @Mandatek & @Mayakovskij) #
- 12 Steps to Audit Your Competitor's SEO: There are over 200 attributes Google looks at in their search algorithm… http://t.co/ZCui13eo #
- RT @huffingtonpost: The sexiest ads of 2011 (PHOTOS) http://t.co/DQLQpMRR #
- M.I.T. Game-Changer: Free Online Education For All http://t.co/yiHcsg2V ck this @CBalling and @DrThomasHo #
- RT @VeeVee @AmyStark can we hook U guys up with some @ChaCha swag & #ChaChaNYE package for giveaway? We love some Indy social media peeps. #
- Hey @VeeVee What have you got in mind? #
- GREAT #IN_SM11 ! RT @dereckvogler: @CS_indy @BgKahuna Just registered. #
- Great! @IndianaRocks Thanks! I appreciate it. You gotta be there to win- http://t.co/dfZwvhA7 #IN_SM11 cc @VeeVee @ChaCha #
- "Crashing is the new registering" says @BgKahuna I think registering is the best option http://t.co/dfZwvhA7 =) cc @dereckvogler @CS_indy #
- Reboot =( #
- #IN_SM11 cc @Brewhouse RT @CS_indy: @dereckvogler its at Thr3eWiseMen in ripple. Tomorrow 1130. awards at 1. @bgkahuna is MC. #
- Thanks RT @tomlaing My top news stories: http://t.co/6EYJhhgB thanks @CLPromo, @AmyStark & @mypinksuit #
- Top Challenges in Modern Website Design – #3 Marketing: We get a lot of our business from website owners whose s… http://t.co/Dkx4vYqc #
- Glad you asked, @getsocialpr Here are the #IN_SM11 Details http://t.co/dfZwvhA7 Hanging out will begin Noonish – Awards promptly at 1:00pm #
- I don't know @kmullett It was a fly by RT. I haven't investigated yet. cc @CPollittIU @mike_gingerich @TabSite #
- It's really pretty RT @mike_gingerich check this out. #IN_SM11 @ustream & tweet feed http://t.co/2Fawjk2H cc @kmullett @TabSite @CPollittIU #
- #Indiana Social Media Summit http://t.co/pA3G0mEr #IN_SM11 #
- I second it! RT @jmctigue: Hmmm, maybe we should institutionalize this 3 day weekend every weekend thing… #justsayin #
- I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, too @joshhumble I need to get out more. #IN_SM11 #
- indydonutguy I'll be there. Looking forward meeting you! RT @AmyStark: #Indiana Social Media Summit http://t.co/pA3G0mEr #IN_SM11 #
- Here they are in all their glory- Large and impressive trophies are polished and ready to go. #IN_SM11 http://t.co/wOlw8lsj #
- haha Thanks for the RT @ScLoHo =) #
- you and @firebelly will be there, won't you @chadrichards ? #
- Someone asked me earlier if they could get lunch at the Awards! Absolutely- there will be serving staff to accommodate our group #IN_SM11 #
- URGENT- Can someone bring a laptop w/video to the SMackdown@ The Thr3e Wise Men so we can connect to the Google+ hangout? #IN_SM11 Plz RT. #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/bzt0Jdp8 (via @MicroMediaMktg, @Cheryl_Pierce & @hireseoexperts) #
- RT @keithdshrock: @AmyStark -Founded Social Media Smackdown Awards *Hi Amy #Michiaina #IN_SM11
http://t.co/bzNG2sna # - GREAT! @bgkahuna #
- 5 Reasons Why Meta Keywords are STILL Important for SEO: There are three schools of thought concerning the Meta… http://t.co/v8YuJ2QU #
- The Inbound Marketing Year in Review – Our Top 10 Posts for 2011: Happy 2012 inbound marketing friend! First, le… http://t.co/e8AWIsAM #
- Wish you were here @StevenWABX #IN_SM11 #
- #IN_SM11 http://t.co/i9GS54at #
- #IN_SM11 http://t.co/BbayjqBT #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/Gx1kollb (via Nicole Misencik, Mashable & WTHR-TV) #
- 12 Painless New Year Resolutions for Inbound Marketers:
As 2012 approaches, we find ourselves celebrating succe… http://t.co/Q1irQb2F # - My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/D0qVaVpz (via @isdaan, @SkyBlew & @jesse1957) #