- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/EQXIdYQR (via @caesarion, @smalonedesign & @BlueRioBranding) #
- Right back at ya, @bobwarren ! #
- Designing and Developing Webpages for Mobile: When designing and developing for mobile websites there are more t… http://t.co/Tt45e78p #
- The Beginning of the End for Facebook? http://t.co/kclPBvtu via @Techland #
- Internet Access and the New Divide: http://t.co/xaffRlrH #
- Thanks @DonKincaid and @LeilanMcNally It's Important for #Indiana Social Media to speak with one big voice every now and then. #IN_SM11 #
- Thanks @PayrollDept Do you follow the #HR or #SHRM hashtags? #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/1M5cCmoW (via @wendy_moore, Paul Poteet & John McTigue) #
- The 5 Stages of Corporate Social Media Maturity: Thanks to the wonderful social media work at Forrester Research… http://t.co/LISrYbdH #
- RT @wsjhealth: The Health Risks of Being Left-Handed http://t.co/OyJl26Wl #
- Kuno Webinar tomorrow! http://t.co/FonSR05n #
- RT @HildyGottlieb @AmyStark Hoping you'll be able to join the #NPCons chat this month!! Tue Dec20 4pm ET http://t.co/elw8ZqXr Exciting topic #
- Thanks for the invite, @HildyGottlieb I'll put it on my calendar.#NPCons That's 4PM EST right? #
- Yeah… @SHRM is active on #fb and twitter. And they use the #SHRM #HR hashtags @PayrollDept — Are HR depts a target market? #
- RT @huffingtonpost: The most tweeted news story of 2011 http://t.co/5rhAOijd #
- Calling all Indiana Cities… We need your distinct voice to give a shout out to the World. – http://t.co/SBwlmZKq #IN_SM11 #
- Is @facebook down for everyone, or is it just me? #in #fb #
- Thanks! It's back up- It was my @firefox I think @scloho @iangertler and @crsofr every now and then it just really doesn't play nicely w/fb #
- The day of the week begins with T so you know what that means? It's T O M M Y ! ! Tuesday! @tommytrc How's WI? #
- I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/VO1hhjsA Charades – Adam's Moby Dick Story #
- The Top Twitter Hashtags Of 2011 http://t.co/nZVT0Rwz via @skipcody #
- Tech firm wants to ban office e-mail http://t.co/O9VcD6Pj Only "10% of the 200 messages .. are useful" #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/cKeNnX2i (via @omaratharrison, Nicole Misencik & David Monroe) #
- RT @forbes: How Smartphone Apps and Social Networks Will Revolutionize Medicine http://t.co/FYTNIdcx #
- SaaE – The Future of SaaS – What Inbound Marketers Should Know: John's recent discussion of how inbound marketin… http://t.co/9VKS9Ian #
- Driving Saas Revenue with Inbound Marketing: Industry Pros Share Their Secrets, Strategies and Case Studies
Join… http://t.co/bwnGjwLu # - RT @libraryofct: Your 2011 Word Of The Year From http://t.co/9QxOskDO Is ….Tergiversate http://t.co/nH0pHyCO #
- Inbound Marketing Webinar Series – SaaS Marketing: Thanks to everyone who joined the Kuno Creative inbound marke… http://t.co/L2z0OQHG #
- Tap Tap Tap, Is this link working? http://t.co/tUA6PZeW #
- Hrrmph! Let me try to use bit.ly @redwalllive @edeckers – t.co isn't working for me =( #
- Let me see if @hootsuite can help http://t.co/1oK7fv4f #
- @edeckers @redwalllive I wonder if it's because it's a .IN extension? I won't give up… =) Thanks for the feedback everybody. #
- I finally figured it out with the help of my friend @BengtWendel Thanks! http://t.co/PUMCrpgq This one should work <fingers crossed> #
- @HubSpot Launches Free Marketing Grader Tool to Replace Website Grader http://t.co/O3hk7W6f via @kniahynyckyj #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/WaOuIlrq (via @dss280, @ErinPatrick & @BigMny) #
- RT @huffingtonpost: What should you do if someone steals your Twitter handle? http://t.co/mJbNjSRz #
- RT @nytimeshealth: Well Blog: Is Generosity Better Than Sex? http://t.co/wwFbmvHJ #
- From @danzarrella "If U tweet about the event using #SEOSci you get a chance to grab a copy of…'Zarrella's Hierarchy of Contagiousness .'" #
- Hi @danzarrella #SEOSci #
- RT @libraryofct: “Let your fiction grow out of the land beneath your feet.” Willa Cather, born Dec. 7, 1873 #
- haha I'm just now checking twitter account. I posted a message on your facebook wall a little while ago @daltonsbriefs #IN_SM11 #
- Social takes a back seat to search when buying, #SEOSci – But don't people use SM FIRST to get ideas, THEN search before making a decision? #
- Less #SEOSci #
- thnx 4 favoriting a tweet of mine @chadrichards I'm Honored. BTW, #IN_SM11 Nominations end in 57HRS. I'm working on posting current nominees #
- thnx 4 the RT @tkographix -Do you know @roundpeg nominated @randyclarktko as Nicest Peep for #IN_SM11 I'm just now going through the list. #
- Thanks for the RT yesterday @redwallLIVE and testing the piip.IN link. My friend @BengtWendel fixed it. #IN_SM11 #
- … @CBalling twitter is the largest bridging social capital group In the recorded history of our species. Which is VERY Cool. #
- I remember the MeetUp @drthomasho had @daltonsbriefs -Measured in #SMYears = An eternity ago. =) #IN_SM11 #
- #SEOSci – Hey @CPollittIU … are you on @Danzarrella 's webinar? VERY INTERESTING! #IN_SM11 #
- You're welcome RT @LibraryofCT @FriendsofClib @libraryzone @VillanovaDigLib @GLTeens @cobblibrary @LorainLibrary @HartfordFdn @lynnemthomas #
- Links to blog posts is very important .#SEOSci Linkers work early <= very true. #
- twitter is what it is @CBalling I ONLY use it to connect and share valuable information. PLUS … #
- Awww @chadrichards That is the sweetest thing someone has said to me all afternoon. =) #
- Step one. Tree is up and ready for decorating http://t.co/bY6Cca9X #
- No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or "get rich" in business by being a conformist — J. Paul Getty #
- Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.
–Guillaume Apollinaire cc @BengtWendel # - RT @chrisknipper: In which stage are you? 5 Stages of Corporate Social Media Maturity http://t.co/E4WkaZpc via @kuno #
- RT @cpollittiu: Congrats Amy! (I'm jealous) MT @HubSpot @AmyStark Congrats! You won @danzarrella's new book for tweeting the hashtag #SEOSci #
- thnx @vknipper I will add @DanZarrella 's book to my growing #SM Library. I also won @MariSmith 's Facebook Marketing Book at a webinar. #
- Here are nominations as of Noon EST 12-8-11 @vincerobisch It's a clunky Google spreadsheet http://t.co/zkVuuFc7 #IN_SM11 #
- Hey @bgkahuna You've been nominated as #Indiana #039;s Most Influential Social Media Dude See who nominated you => http://t.co/3VPKhf93 #IN_SM11 #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/OF2bDTUZ (via @soukoun, @mikerbrt & @Korgasm_) #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/wJNVfF9K (via @ModelSupplies, @mike_gingerich & @Free_CredScore) #
- 9 Steps for Creating Corporate Social Media Governance: Social media governance is a set of business processes p… http://t.co/LdSqOOV8 #
- Hey @jaybaer You've been nominated as #Indiana #039;s Most Influential Social Media Dude. See who nominated you => http://t.co/8NR8ZBKN #IN_SM11 #
- Have you seen this @drthomasho ? RT @usnewseducation: Florida Students Earn More Than High School Diplomas http://t.co/vuJV7SdH #
- Experience is not what happens to a man: it is what a man does with what happens to him. – Aldous Huxley #
- 5 Ways to Deliver a Better Inbound Marketing Webinar: There are a million webinars out there, and I attend at le… http://t.co/akaIU7nb #
- Hey @jtitamer – @hubspot puts your twitter grade at 100, and I've been looking for #Muncie #039;s voice to be heard. #IN_SM11 #
- It's our 3rd Annual Social Media Summit and SMackdown Awards @jtitamer Check out piip.IN and http://t.co/4npCWITY #FB page #
- Hey #Indiana shouldn't @Garfield_Cat be Nominated for Best In Show? I don't think he has a prayer vs. @ButlerBlue2 but it'd B fun. #IN_SM11 #
- Did you know @Garfield_Cat is from #Muncie #Indiana? I hope he's on the final ballot #IN_SM11 piip.IN #
- Attention all #Indiana Cities – We Need Your Voice http://t.co/KLx7QoiM #IN_SM11 Nominations End Midnight tomorrow. #
- Hey @goodbeershow We'd like to hear #Muncie #039;s Voice this year. Can you think of nomination worthy Muncie peeps? piip.IN #
- Great Idea @danielHERNDON =) #
- Here it is @danielHERNDON http://t.co/kRW9QyTQ #IN_SM11 Nominees as of NOON EST 12-8-11 #
- RT @hoosierlife: RT @AmyStark: Here are nominations as of Noon EST 12-8-11 http://t.co/zkVuuFc7 #IN_SM11 #
- Thanks for the RT @leilanmcnally We're gaining steam. In Aught Nine I didn't even START the SMackdown until December 11th. #IN_SM11 #
- You are always so generous with your #FF recommendations @jc__russell I appreciate it. Have a great weekend. #
- It's still a bit clunky @vincerobisch but I prettied it up a bit. #IN_SM11 http://t.co/OkeeOorb It's a bit easier to read. #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/Y9PGBuqC (via @organicview, June Stoyer & San Dan Yi) #
- Getting more A’s in school! http://t.co/FMeJICd6 <= PLEASE forward this to your school board members and faculty immediately. #EDU #
- Hey @pushingsocial – I read your post in Social Media Today. Are you sure everyone has the embed capability? I can't find it. #
- RT @ajmotia So I apparently went about the #IN_SM11 form the wrong way, thinking I could only nom. 1 person – -|- @DonKincaid is right. #
- If U nominate more than 1 in a category -like @sepphichdaily did w/ Dude – I will ask you to pick one for final ballot @DonKincaid @ajmotia #
- If someone's been nominated in a category U don't need 2 nominate them again BUT it's nice to show them U care #IN_SM11 http://t.co/zkVuuFc7 #
- #NowPlaying Louis Armstrong –The Night Before Christmas- @Spotify
http://t.co/dj1ay28i Outside of my siblings, who can say it by heart? # - kl #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/LkxKOExI (via @PHashion_Army, @Ridwan2906 & Mashable) #
- The Inbound Marketing Week in Review – Social Media Maturity, Mobile Websites, and SaaS Marketing: Xin chào, inb… http://t.co/6IACcCBH #
- Hey @mrypel glad U nominated @lesalina for Most Influential Dame, but she can't appear on the final ballot w/out a rationale statement #
- @mrypel if you send me a rationale statement via twitter before Midnight Monday Dec 12, @lesalina will appear on the final ballot #IN_SM11 #
- Waving from across the ether @typertist @WebGrrrrl @carrieatthill Hope your Sunday is FABULOUS #
- Hey @RandyTKO You've been nominated as Dude-Nicest-Grooviest PLUS @TKOGraphix for Most Ethical. Which one shall I put on the final ballot? #
- Hey @RandyTKO I just refreshed my memory of the rules. @TKOGraphix IS eligible for Most Ethical HOWEVER You personally can only pic one. #
- I'd review who you're up against before deciding @RandyTKO http://t.co/kRW9QyTQ #IN_SM11 #
- You were nominated as nicest, too @joshhumble #IN_SM11 http://t.co/kRW9QyTQ #
- Hey @MRypel it's Amy at Kuno Creative dot com. Only with no spaces and the appropriate punctuations. I'll double check the @formstack info #
- I received it @MRypel – user error on my part in transferring data to google spreadsheet. http://t.co/boVCfygR It's updated now. #
- #Indiana SMackdown Nominees – Final Ballot First Draft – >> PLEASE REVIEW FOR ACCURACY AND / OR OMISSIONS << #IN_SM11 #
- Hey @NancyMyrland You were nominated for 2 diff, categories. Which would U prefer appear on the final ballot? #IN_SM11 http://t.co/XyAHUwIJ #
- Hey @ajmotia You were nominated for 2 different categories. Which would you prefer appear on the final ballot? #IN_SM11 http://t.co/LoOkmkcF #
- Hey @Jillianmk You were nominated for 2 diff. categories Which would you prefer appear on the final ballot? #IN_SM11 http://t.co/A4g94D22 #
- Hey @bgkahuna You were nominated for 3 diff. categories Which would you prefer appear on the final ballot? #IN_SM11 http://t.co/lmCou1bt #
- Hey @StevenWABX You were nominated for 2 diff. categories Which would you prefer appear on the final ballot? #IN_SM11 http://t.co/vGlazAn6 #
- Hey @jejediahwalls You were nominated for 2 diff. categories. Which would U prefer appear on the final ballot? #IN_SM11 http://t.co/LvMvlhlx #
- Hi @diptoe You were nominated for 2 different categories. Which would you prefer appear on the final ballot? #IN_SM11 http://t.co/n9sIZ85w #
- Hi @ajmotia You were nominated for 2 different categories. Which would you prefer appear on the final ballot? #IN_SM11 http://t.co/OCvrGzdE #
- Hey @marybiever You were nominated for 2 diff, categories. Which would you prefer appear on the final ballot? #IN_SM11 http://t.co/1wEWYrcR #