- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/GtVYZcXk (via @firebelly, Mashable & Jody Raines) #
- How Inbound Marketing Can Help SaaS Companies Survive and Grow: Entrepreneurs and CEOs alike are faced with big … http://t.co/EwaTQGQo #
- RT @msnbc_health: New anti-bullying trend: Teaching the victims to fight back http://t.co/uP2TrlY6 #
- Check out the @Google Homepage in Egypt http://t.co/vnXdoyCn #
- The Inbound Marketer's Creed – Emulating Military Tradition: The military can provide many valuable lessons and … http://t.co/BKJYN2So #
- RT @waltwinchel: An adult has 206 bones. A child has 350 bones. 15 Body Parts Needed To Succeed In Social Media http://t.co/6XXCASd5 #
- Amazing sculpture http://t.co/Th4CZL0E #
- North Korean Half-time-like show. Awe inspiring and a little creepy all at the same time. http://t.co/R2RwAl5Y #
- Every morning is a new beginning, a new chance for you to rewrite the story of your life.~ Tina Su #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/cUOdIeNj (via @chilltowntv, @ScriptPhD & TechCrunch) #
- RT @ptarkkonen "The road to success is always under construction." -Lily Tomlin #quote #life #
- The SEO Implications Of Google Caffeine And Google Freshness: Over the last couple of years, there have been two… http://t.co/Ukf3sUYH #
- RT @washingtonpost: Iranian students storm British embassy in #Tehran Live updates from @ThomasErdbrink http://t.co/EznisRXc #
- Indeed @firebelly Maybe we should have lunch at @Yats — Joe told me he'd buy me lunch =) What day is good for you? #
- A much belated thanks for the Mark Twain RT last week @yaladesigns and @mesheeky #
- Are you back from Hawaii @roundpeg ? Your pictures were wonderful. What a great memory. #
- I'm so thankful for friends like @typertist who are generous and shout out, even during my long bouts of @twitter fasting =) How's Life? #
- I had a great Thanksgiving @LolaMcIntyre hope you did, too, and I'm not at all surprised to see you RTd Irving Berlin =) #
- RT @donkincaid: RT @kyleplacy: RT @brewhouse: #IN_SM11 SMackdown Awards Luncheon @ The Thr3e Wise Men Brewing Company- http://t.co/AXBJFYc1 #
- Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.-Mark Twain (I posted this last week but it's worth a RT!) #
- RT @chrisknipper: 5 Awesome Examples of Engaging Social Media Campaigns via @HubSpot http://t.co/8DmUxrc0 #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/5c6TUTQh (via @hsbcnews, Wickram & SEONAMA) #
- 3 Ways LinkedIn Gathers Data about Your Company: Have you ever noticed news snippets on your LinkedIn Company Pa… http://t.co/LOjJEhaS #
- Did the FTC Just Ruin Facebook? http://t.co/AHcIyCc2 #
- Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. – Steve Jobs #
- Congrats @kmullett You were nominated as #Indiana #039;s Most Influential Social Media Dude by @niclashulting #IN_SM11 #
- Hi @amrecker I just sent an email to folks involved in the first two SMackdowns with pertinent info #IN_SM11 cc @HSchoegler @donkincaid #
- My new good friend Kyle from @Formstack helped me w/ the Nomination Form http://t.co/2YWBQ6OE cc @HSchoegler @donkincaid #IN_SM11 #
- @amrecker Great! #
- Research In Action: Paint Material Analysis Helps Restore and Authenticate Artwork http://t.co/co5USptd via @NSF #
- =) RT @BgKahuna RT @gotchababy: OH: "does our Christmas tree have a name?" #kahunakids … #
- The nominee selects the category for the final ballot @HSchoegler – Only one nomination per Peep or Company but the nominee picks #IN_SM11 #
- Did you get the email @kmullett ? We will need 2-3 point people for each location and they ARE eligible for nomination. #IN_SM11 #
- All nominees will be asked if they want to appear on the final ballot @kmullett The mission guides all actions http://t.co/WlsADdxj #IN_SM11 #
- haha @wadeshull Full disclosure=> @ripsup was very nice and helped me set up the #IN_SM11 hashtag tweet stream on http://t.co/cAyQMekO #
- Very Neighborly of you, thanks! RT @nextdoormktg The Neighborly News is out! http://t.co/NfhLguAP ▸ Top stories today via @amystark #
- That's great @kmullett I think @ScLoHo is planning to be in Indy that day. #
- When are we having lunch @firebelly ? #
- =( I'll miss you @ScLoHo Were you here for Aught Nine and 2010? #
- Really @VisitIndy ? Who was the bright bulb who decided to pull the video? You just solidified the fact that it will go SUPER VIRAL! #
- Actually I LOVED THE video @duaneabrodt and I don't care who liked it or not. BUT @VisitIndy made an error in pulling it. #BigMistake #
- Worst move from a PR perspective @HollyGillham The video is out there.. someone made a copy & it will re-emerge with a vengeance @VisitIndy #
- I loved it, too @HollyGillham but removing it is already getting MORE TV coverage – and it's dangerous to taunt censorship hackers… #
- You can bet someone has a copy that @VisitIndy will not be able to pull down @HollyGillham It will reappear and get more coverage. #
- RT @typeamom Hilarious… Awesome satire of Klout a la Dr. Seuss. Epic! The Rise And Fall Of Klout http://t.co/3E08DVDP by @richbecker #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/iBI8moFw (via @WhyPR, @Fishdogs & Lifehacker) #
- I hope U R right @HollyGillham but peeps who had time and energy to complain are the type who rail against things disappearing from the Net #
- RT @CBalling 100 Blessing a day. A short video via Aish. http://t.co/jrx8lcDd @nlitvin @amystark @justmefi @pamsiegelzarte #
- How To Speed Up Your Website – Minimizing HTTP Requests for SEO: There are many ways to speed up the loading of … http://t.co/2BhDjlOK #
- WooHoo! Just wrapped up a quick call w/ @KMullett The #FortWayne folk R hanging out this PM 2 plan their #IN_SM11 Luncheon -cc @SeanMWray #
- Visual Editor vs. HTML Editor – Phantom Spacing & Alignment Issues: The Visual Editor (WYSIWYG – what you see is… http://t.co/saH3rLuy #
- Hey @dananelson @SeanMWray @cherylwatterson did you all get an email from me yesterday? #
- UGH Sorry about that, @danamnelson A pox upon me for a clumsy louse. Email is on the way. =) #
- You say, "just write the HTML" as if ANYONE can do it @rickyleepotts It's all geek to me. =) How's life, btw? #
- RT @Coxymoney I found the Super Bowl Shuffle -//- It was pulled by @VisitIndy but there are at least two channels on @YouTube that copied it #
- @Coxymoney When something hits the net it's impossible to totally get rid of it. I'll wager it's on several blogs in addition to @YouTube #
- I'm anxiously awaiting the start of Miss Thing's first Christmas concert as an Accent. I'm a sucker for school choirs #
- Indianapolis takeoff on Bears’ ‘Super Bowl Shuffle’ video pulled off YouTube – Chicago Sun-Times: http://t.co/o7f41f7x via @AddThis #
- We just had to evacuate the school. At the end of Sarah's number the fire alarm went off. It's cold out here. #
- I am SO glad this happened right at the end of her number http://t.co/x3hHuLtW #
- So far I've seen at least 8 Carmel firefighters enter the building http://t.co/lkucu8jz #
- Someone with authority just asked people to stop filming. Um yeah. Right http://t.co/pqwc0FtZ #
- We just got the all clear @lanterconnie thanks for asking. Everyone is going back to their seats #
- And now we're patiently awaiting for the show to resume http://t.co/CWRGmXyn #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/6MtJzDO3 (via @elroman29, @ZVM_Promos & @johnwm333) #
- How the US Marine Corps Uses Social Media – The Social Corps: The US Marine Corps published their “The Social Co… http://t.co/E2Lwivvt #
- The Real Spirit of the Season: 14 Charity Gift Sites http://t.co/dTlzXkZ0 #
- Try going directly to the form on @Formstack @donkincaid I'll call my good friend Kyle if need be http://t.co/zxGR6Ry1 #IN_SM11 #
- Is the Sales Funnel Obsolete?: I'll start out with a shout out to Lynn Anne Miller (@4GreenPs) who made me aware… http://t.co/BVE8u36y #
- Syrian authorities ban the use of iPhones http://t.co/UAQnYOA7 -\\- only spies use iPhones #
- No direct exp. BUT I haven't heard anything negative about Square for the iPhone @nathan_hand @CBalling:@RowdyKittens @douglaskarr #
- Hallowed halls of IUPUI @cballing Do I win a prize? #
- Did you already submit a nomination for other categories @donkincaid I think it allows only 1 submission per IP addy. I'll call @formstack #
- I just called @Formstack @donkincaid – There was a bit of confusion in the specific plan for #IN_SM11 it should work as normal very shortly. #
- haha @cballing Don't EVEN get me started. #
- Thanks @donkincaid I appreciate the heads up. I wonder how many people tried and just gave up without tweeting anything? #
- I can't WAIT! RT @cpollittiu: RT @jowyang: Community manager appreciation day next month #baconhugs http://t.co/7CLSlDiq #
- I'm still working on my blog @cpollittiu but I think you'll like it. May even make you smile. #
- RT @quotegarden "There is no way to happiness – happiness is the way." ~Thich Nhat Hanh #
- The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.-William James-/-Easier said than done cc @BengtWendel #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/B9CGT4I7 (via @1canalgirl, @Backlinkseasy & @nogueiradiana) #
- tweavesdropping RT @lorraineball of course you would. It had an animal theme @AllisonLCarter … I wanted the hat shaped like a chicken. #
- @douglaskarr nevermind, d'oh! I see the link now. Thanks Doug! I nominated you- once again- as #IN_SM11 Most Influential Dude, btw. #
- Hey @Hoosierplew – could you DM me your email addy? #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/YKEtz6di (via @PuzyrevMaxim, @JasonLucchesi & Mashable) #
- RT @roundpeg RT @AroundIndy Get #Indianapolis #Indiana Event Listings on your smartphone or iPad: http://t.co/BJvwgg4k.… Bookmark it! #
- Hey Bob aka @AroundIndy Did you get an email from me earlier in the week? I hope so. if not – could you DM your email addy to me? #
- Here's an image of the first 24 from the #SmallerIndiana SMackdown discussion. http://t.co/yEtf0CD9 #IN_SM11 Aught Nine Archive #
- TY! RT @hoosi3r The ✓ VERIFIED ALL ME©Daily..http://bit.ly/tuYBd9 Top stories today.. @FirehouseMike @MuncieStarPress @indianaice @AmyStark #
- RT @cballing: I found Intuit GoPayment. They don't have high $ limits… @douglaskarr @AmyStark @nathan_hand @RowdyKittens @robbyslaughter #
- The Inbound Marketing Week in Review – Creed, Caffeine, and LinkedIn Data: Happy Sunday, inbound marketing frien… http://t.co/lFwnTr3C #
- I was hoping you could upload your pics roll from aight nine to piip.IN @AroundIndy #IN_SM11 #
- @AroundIndy I'm at my daughters Christmas concert right now. I'll send more info later I love Christmas #
- thanks Bob @AroundIndy it's intermission so i will upload it when I get home #
- It's my second time to see the Christmas concert @bengtwendel just what I needed on a Sunday afternoon #
- NOMINATE – Thanks @FORMSTACK! #Indiana Social Media Summit and SMackdown Awards => http://t.co/3sk2YXZX #IN_SM11 #
- Thanks for the RT @DonKincaid You Totally rock! #