- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/vMbTHUDG (via @SkyBlew, @Tweetproquo & @christophgold) #
- RT @scloho: Finally, the #Colts survived the weekend without another loss #
- Irony is alive and well RT @CPollittIU Ironic – received RTs 4 deleting MySpace page, but it gets 2.5X more traffic then Google+ #
- Why Your Brand Needs to Be on Tumblr Right Now: Tumblr is set to have another massive year in 2012. It’s not jus… http://t.co/NhpqXYnJ #
- RT @CPollittIU Got tired of my MySpace page coming up in the SERPs so I just canceled it 4EVER!!! #YayMe !! #AboutTime !! #
- Google Plus – A Facebook Killer? Try Getting Past MySpace First. . .: Perhaps the hottest conversation going on … http://t.co/55JrYvYp #
- Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand. –Mark Twain #
- The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. – Chinese Proverb — @BengtWendel #
- 10 Words That Will Increase (or Decrease) Your Twitter CTR http://t.co/ouFMf8QN -//- I love it when data supports my best practices. #
- Thanks for the RT @danielHERNDON Do you know @ScLoHo ? If you are not connected to him yet, you should be. He's a good guy and clever. #
- Wasn't that a great line @mintlipgloss ? It made me L right O L #Colts cc @scloho #
- Hey @CBalling I know @CPollittIU and he definitely is a dork. #TermOfEndearment =) Have you got big plans for Thanksgiving, Charles? #
- You're welcome @WSCircle ! #
- I agree! RT @CBalling Looks good. @amystark RT @marcapitman New personal blog: Thoughts on starting a speaking business http://t.co/tVVlSV3D #
- Are you a talent/speaker agent @loiscreamer ? #speakchat #
- Hey @teachingwthsoul Do you know @drthomasho ? #speakchat #EDU #
- RT @marcapitman A1. So many things about the "ask" that freak people out. Fear of rejection… Fear of success. #speakchat #
- Great Point @thomsinger – I think women in particular fall victim to that mentality. I was NEVER allowed to call boys growing up #speakchat #
- Thanks @prosperitygal #speakchat #
- I'm good friends with @drthomasho @loiscreamer is that to whom you were referring? or => @thomsinger cc @prosperitygal #
- My @Firefox keeps freezing up making it nearly impossible to tweet. Good Night #speakchat I'll have to review the transcript tomorrow. =) #
- Advertising is the greatest art form of the 20th century. –Marshall McLuhan #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/Z9NAxaoF (via @TheMarcelaCruz, UniBul & TribalCafe) #
- Got questions about your company's mobile web presence? We've got answers – http://t.co/uc4BcR2g via @jmctigue #
- 13 Super-Cool Tech-Savvy Gift Ideas: If you’re looking for some gift ideas for the Inbound Marketer, Social Medi… http://t.co/NCgcqcAI #
- The 100 Most Powerful Brands On Twitter http://t.co/lesbsW3s via @grader #
- Hey @loiscreamer my @firefox was freezing up which made it impossible to follow the convo -I was discussing @drthomasho w/ @teachingwithsoul #
- @drthomasho is a worthy connection for anyone, @loiscreamer , especially teachers. #EDU #
- Yep @cballing Heading North and I'LL be doing all the cooking =( Luckily I love my family more than words can describe. Happy Thanksgiving! #
- Why Only 3 Major Social Media Platforms Can Thrive at One Time http://t.co/3huF30g6 via @CPollittIU #
- Top 5 Inbound Marketing Trends for 2012: The 2011 Holiday Season is upon us, and with it comes the usual flood o… http://t.co/H3LurIgR #
- Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. –Mark Twain — I <3 Mark Twain #
- RT @kniahynyckyj The Inbound Marketing Week in Review – Strategy, Your CMS, and Platforms http://t.co/y0xaZZTL #
- I <3 Google's style. Check out their Thanksgiving Turkey – http://t.co/qApkCYAi #fun #clever #
- RT @Minervity Geek approved way of securing, cleaning and tuning up your PC – http://t.co/KgC89z4Z *ad #
- #IN_SM11 SMackdown Awards Luncheon @ The Thr3e Wise Men Brewing Company- http://t.co/AXBJFYc1 Thanks, @Brewhouse & @sbh_bruce #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/H83vhEUW (via @mattrhodes, TribalCafe & Maddie Weber) #
- RT @KISSmetrics The Cardinal Sins of Landing Pages and A/B Testing http://t.co/j0ylhQ6T #webdesign #measure #
- RT @GerberPlumbing In 1935 Northern Tissue advertised "splinter-free" toilet paper. Early.. production techniques sometimes left splinters.. #
- RT @JudyBrunner @marcapitman #speakchat Remember, when they quit asking questions, they have probably quit listening. #
- RT @loiscreamer #speakchat you need to talk about money as a commodity. Bought gal of milk for 2.89 today. Didnt say "will you take 1.76"? #
- Chinese dog refuses to leave dead owner's graveside http://t.co/8EKlcD7p #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/v5zWsFYi (via @duffer47, @getwebusa & @SocialMediaRule) #
- A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues. ~Cicero #
- If you count all your assets, you always show a profit. ~Robert Quillen #
- Got no check books, got no banks. Still I'd like to express my thanks – I got the sun in the morning and the moon at night. ~Irving Berlin #
- Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for. –Will Rogers #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/q81mliwj (via @carlosalston, Wsamuel & Angela Maiers) #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/TiumJTnV (via @PuzyrevMaxim, @NuDigitalMedia & Debbas) #
- My Social News — Summified: http://t.co/tJRM88Rk (via @Wulffy, @MickMoore & @cyberzook) #
- The Inbound Marketing Week in Review – 2012 Trends, Tumblr, and MySpace: Have you awoken from your tryptophan na… http://t.co/2WMmarw5 #