- This book is not to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force. – Dorothy Parker #
- The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection of my int… http://t.co/qhjINEam (via @clatko, @SheonaHG & @ModelSupplies) #
- Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of a diseased mind.
– Terry Pratchett #
- #OmahaWinterBiking RT @aeikenberry @CBalling Wonder if there is a hashtag for winter biking… ? Or we can make one up. #bikeomahawinter #
- You're welcome @baisebeige ! #
- TY! RT @FindMePositive The SOCIAL MEDIA Enquirer.. http://t.co/3JmZIPga Top stories today via @ellisilee @nedaazp @askthetrucker @wildfirenz #
- RT @CBalling I'm shocked! "Libya's liberation: interim ruler unveils more radical than expected plans for Islamic law" http://t.co/aBJ4TAS4 #
- RT @washingtonpost Experts: #Syria dissidents are being watched on the Web, thanks to a California firm’s products http://t.co/tJfM1lQT #
- The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection o… http://t.co/QJIhs9k4 (via @mike_gingerich, @jeffreypjacobs & Mashable) #
- “ There is no greater cause of melancholy than idleness. ”
— Robert Burton #
- Yammer Trumps Facebook for Some Graduate Students http://t.co/hJ5dyANZ #education via @USNewsEducation #
- How many Social Media Gurus does it take to screw in a lightbulb? http://t.co/xPrbizOJ #
- 11-11-11 Earth's Feature Film Day http://t.co/qV6RVYos Mark Your Calendars! #
- Navigating NPR’s Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books http://t.co/ir8nxvLP via @SwissArmyLib #
- Hey @imavex It's an aggregator tool based on my digital footprint. It scans the interwebz and pulls stuff it thinks I'll like. #
- I'm not crazy about automated tools like this HOWEVER I've found some interesting folk because of it @imavex another way of connecting. #
- I, Amy Stark, freely attest to the fact @bphuff is a nerd, @slicklaroo . Hey Brian, remind me of your now infamous #NerdPickUpLine #
- As part of my daily Social Media journey, I find all kinds of funny things @thewhalehunters and @baisebeige I'm glad it made you laugh. #
- “ Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls. ”
— David Thomas #
- Brilliant! #NerdPickUpLines RT @bphuff "If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes." cc @slicklaroo #
- Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. –William Shakespeare #
- RT @washingtonpost: #Gaddafi wrote a song for Condoleezza Rice called "Black Flower in the White House” http://t.co/J152fYxT #
- When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams. — Dr Seuss #
- RT @jmctigue: My fav word for today "miscreant". I hope you aren't one. #
- TY ! RT @sootangyuk: The Soo Tang Yuk Daily is out! http://t.co/w54KJiLR ▸ Top stories today via @AmyStark @TheSocialNet #
- RT @WithDrake SMEs are often the un-edited voice of the organization, … That is where your journalistic scruples get tested most. #
- Eight-Foot Tall Lego Man Washes Ashore in Florida | http://t.co/eJ0pSLqH Add this to my #ChristmasWishList #
- #Infographic – The history of Apple's iPod: An infographic. – http://t.co/0UkFeypx http://t.co/mhs5XP8n via @andressilvaa #
- The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection of my interests: http://t.co/TPGIiWEs (via @DittoePR, @isdaan & @the_gman) #
- RT @RivenCactus Don't join dangerous cults: Practice safe sects #
- I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy. — W.C Fields #
- The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection o… http://t.co/tDsR4qar (via @BlankMustDie, @AriesGDIM & Wolfgang Peters) #
- FEMA Administrator Wm. Craig Fugate on Social Media at GEOINT 2011 http://t.co/VVNpFjRV #
- RT @steve_snow_ #Free #GIS How to Make Your Own Social Media Map in Minutes http://t.co/aEmibp2B #Esri #Geospatial #Media #
- Yes #kunomobile @kristiecapow I'll be there with bells on! http://t.co/MH1JgSl5 Every marketer needs to understand the #mobile trends #
- haha RT @kniahynyckyj: John wears reading glasses? #didnotknowthat #kunomobile #
- RT @mlane: 15 Must Have Apps for Every Web Designer http://t.co/M2Ze5PIW via @vknipper #
- Great Job @jmctigue and @cpollittiu http://t.co/j90n7VwA Mobile Inbound Marketing for Your Business #
- RT @ChrisKnipper Google+ Launches New Features, Adds Support for Google Apps http://t.co/KXnTtlmZ via @HubSpot #
- RT @andressilvaa #Infographics – Spectrum of Online Friendship – http://t.co/7uphMFhY #
- Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.
Mark Twain # - Please all, and you will please none.
Aesop # - The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection … http://t.co/HFVkTl9f (via @mikerbrt, @quickmoney2day & @MarkAlanDooley) #
- It takes me a long time to lose my temper, but once lost I could not find it with a dog.
~ Mark Twain # - RT @Tbabij Agree?? 90% of all #TWITTER traffic created by 22% of users. #
- If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it. – W. C. Fields #
- The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection of m… http://t.co/4CiapcWt (via @SMB_Indy, Indy Concierge & Deepak Gupta) #
- The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection of my int… http://t.co/phzmYn65 (via @isdaan, @twoboysmomma & Joffin Joy) #