- Hey @CaraDafforn I'd need to plan that kind of lunch in a couple of weeks when I can carve out 2.5 hours total. Shall we set a date for that #
- @CBalling I hope it's lots of good things going on. I trust you and all your fam are doing well. Are you a vegan now? #
- RT @Scobleizer @Ed @googleplus Notifications on Google+ are broken and need to be reworked from scratch. #
- Bob Burchfield http://t.co/k5e1cps #
- T O M M Y ! ! ! I <3 right back =) RT @tommytrc @AmyStark I heart Amy!! #
- Hey Hildy, Very interesting that you RTd this. Yet another serendipitous moment. <to @HildyGottlieb #
- Hey @elizabeth627 Thanks for the RT from @HildyGottlieb . I just followed you because if you're following Hildy you must have good taste. #
- Hey @elizabeth627 you should also follow @NancyMyrland – she knows her stuff when it comes to SM and the #Law #
- Hey @AndrewPWilson I appreciate your RT on Sat. about QR Codes. Have you seen this? http://t.co/udHkFU4 #
- Thanks for the #FF shout out @PayrollDept and for grouping me with cool peeps like @KristieCapow and @kmullett #
- Thank you most kindly for the #FF shout out! It was mighty nice of you @ICSC_RECon @ICSC and @jc__russell #
- Hey @MarshaCollier Thanks for the mention! I hope you're enjoying a relaxing labor day. <= #IronicHoliday #
- ok @Bufferapp when I'm in the twitter interface I see your little buffer icon but when I click it nothing happens? Is it an I D ten T error #
- @CBalling I watched the video you sent over w/ @DrEsselstyn that's why I was wondering if you had crossed over =) #
- TY 2 @SandraJEvans @novitayumentari @HotHollywoodDsz @Eric_Halsey @hereandnowiam @antiquedaze @jeffreylhartley @CAWujcik @charlestlee … #
- Not a good sign. http://t.co/ObAvNFM #
- "Being crazy isn't enough." ~Dr. Seuss #
- Yep RT @DaleLoberger Every gvnnt agency should have a #SocialMedia strategy as part of their .. plan – @craigthomler @SecondAlarmers @hp_ems #
- RT @drthomasnarsete: Follow @CenTexRedCross 4 updates on evacuations and 2 C how U can help victims of the #centraltxfires #austin #redcross #
- A beautiful nighttime view of the India-Pakistan borderlands as seen from the #ISS http://t.co/9N9hVQo #
- @gottago I dropped Miss Thing off at work and sneaked up to the office where they keep the old stuff. Did you notice the back of the photos? #
- Thanks 4 the RT @crsofr You have to thank @BengtWendel for that one-he posted it first. Perhaps the Pithiest Pic Ever http://t.co/ObAvNFM #
- Hey @marshacollier It's always a pleasure to see your smilin' face in my stream. I hope all is well! #
- Let's use old technology and talk on the phone soon @caradafforn and plan a CC luncheon. Maybe even an impromptu TweetUp. =) You've got my # #
- Hey @StevenWABX is that you Live right now? 9:22PM Tuesday Sept 6th? Was that you talking about the deer in the parking lot? #
- You're fabulous @stevenwabx Even I came out to listen to you tonight. =) #
- If you need some 80's rock right NOW.. Ck out @stevenwabx on http://t.co/zEKty0X =) #EvansvilleRocks #Indiana #
- U can join #custserv chat w/ @marshacollier Right Now & Listen 2 @StephenWABX live on http://t.co/zEKty0X Ain't technology grand! #
- That is the first time anyone's given me a shout out on the radio @stevenwabx EVER! I'm still grinning. I feel so special. #
- RT @Randy_Gage Surround yourself with people who dream bigger than you do. via @UffeKirkegaard #
- RT @CPollittIU My new #ASE11 "Art of War" by Sun Tzu Avatar is up – Yes #ContentMarketing is like war 🙂 #
- Hey @CaraDafforn Take a look at this from @MariSmith http://ow.ly/6nPMX #
- RT @FredCuellar … We Tend To Get What We Expect; Both From Ourselves & From Others. #
- Yahoo is for sale… http://t.co/V8UNfqO #
- Bio RT @mintel2011 ^^Welcome! 支持民主、愛自由!Supporting Democracy of China. ☆ Dans démocratie de Chine ! http://t.co/G5lETwW cc @drthomasho #
- RT @KnowledgeBishop Behind every "problem" is a person hoping to be understood. #custserv #
- RT @mjayliebs Too many C-Level associate Customer Support, Service and Contact Centers as cost centers #custserv #
- Wikipedia states #InternationalKissDay is July 6th! So why must we have a #NationalKissDay today and who decides these things anyhow? #
- RT @greg_levin RT @rachelloumiller: Telephone etiquette training is back in vogue http://ow.ly/6mOAR #custserv #cctr #
- RT @forbes: Americans Are The Coolest, Says Research. Belgians? Not So Much http://t.co/2NcI4K7 #
- Amen RT! @KnowledgeBishop Customer connection is an INVESTMENT, not a cost. #custserv #scrm #
- I heard it was beer not wine RT @FollowMySuccess "Wine is proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy" Benjamin Franklin #
- RT @rigginsconst: "Because it is informal, personal, and immediate, sm is well suited for apologies …l" @HarvardBiz http://t.co/OI7TBSq #
- Hey @GottaGo They're yours to keep I checked and they are duplicates. If you don't want to keep 'em, give 'em to me and I'll post on FB =) #
- L right O L RT @mooshinindy Some lonely nerd looking for an excuse to lay one on the ladies. #
- Hey @TJBanes – I vote for @CaraDafforn as Queen Of #Crockpots in #Indiana =) #
- @RigginsConst You're welcome. Enjoy your weekend. #
- Hey @omaratharrison I hope you didn't mean "offer up" as in human sacrifice type stuff. =) Have a great weekend. #
- @LeilanMcNally Hey… do you want your tweets marked private? Do you use @BgKahuna or this account mostly? Just wonderin' Hope all is well #
- So you're saying 1 U.S. @edeckers is the equivalent of 3 Belgian Erik Deckers? Are we talking the coolness or hotness scale? #
- @GreenwoodAngel I know right? Miss Thing (my 16 yr old daughter) knows nothing about phone etiquette. #
- Hey @randyclarktko I'll pay good money 2 any1 who tells me how 2 contact the N'tl Holiday governing committee cc @LeilanMcNally @cjtheisen #
- thnx RT @JeffreyJKingman #CustServ Exchange Daily bit.ly/kh0WSS Top stories … via @assistly @teamsupport @jrembach @amystark @barneybeal #
- I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/uPymuuX Anchors Aweigh #
- The world hates the United States. But they love the American people. http://t.co/4UgLYFP #
- Be afraid. Be very afraid. Miss Thing and I are at the BMV for her driving test. http://t.co/mhOq56y #
- #BMV They just called #101 Miss Thing and I have #125 Curse you George Orwell for ruining the number 101 for me forever #
- All this worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man.
– Henry David Thoreau # - Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
Jim Rohn # - Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. – Archimedes #