- "When Newspapers Mattered," vintage images from LIFE photo archives http://ow.ly/5Hlm6 #headlines #b&w #history #
- RT @beefandboards Laura Michelle Kelly back on Broadway – our "Annie" (Kara Oates) stars with her in 'Mary Poppins'! http://ht.ly/5H2Fs #
- I should brag more about my Bro's place @beefandboards Supporting the arts and providing lots of jobs for over 37yrs. That's pretty cool. #
- @drfeelgoods I love to support peeps who were nominated for a #SMackdown Award! Trust by association. #
- ditto RT @sherrylowry Likewise! RT @PegFitzpatrick Lovely…#blogchat @kristofcreative .. @erinclaire @dannybuntu @Dr_Mike_IHS @jwsokol #
- haha… Good Mornin' #bacon @tiglu @typertist @OhDaddy @RossLaRocco @MarcBusko_Bars @MizShelly @mmangen @hostageek @VAinParadise #
- Who introduced #bacon @RossLaRocco @typertist @hostageek @MarcBusko_Bars @MizShelly @mmangen @OhDaddy @tiglu @VAinParadise #
- @jc__russell I'm doing well and I'm very busy. I'm also extremely lucky. =) Enjoy your week. #
- @marcapitman did you know @drthomasho was at the last shuttle launch? Very interesting perspective. I hope all is well with U and yours. =) #
- @GregCooper Next week suits me well. Shall we invite others? #H amp;CBRBehindTheVogueImpromptuTweetUpOfGroovyPeeps? #
- @joeygiggles Thanks for the RT, Joey. I appreciate it. Learning new things fast is a vital skill in SM. #
- worth another RT @joeygiggles RT @AmyStark: RT @iwisenet Prosperity belongs to those who learn new things the fastest.-P.Pilzer pls Rt #JGF #
- @Dr_Mike_IHS what information? Are you asking why you were grouped with those folk in that tweet? #
- A library implies an act of faith. — Victor Hugo #
- #BragginOnMyBro RT @bethfried @BeefandBoards And providing a home for The Garden for almost 16 years! -//- that's right. He's a good guy. #
- THNX RT @joshgillespie: Gillespie's Indiana Daily is out! http://bit.ly/hk4TNK Top stories today via @briansikma @SunflowerOtt @AmyStark .. #
- @jc__russell I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. Keep cool in all this heat. #
- Hey @regencyagency and @joeygiggles, thanks so much for the RTs yesterday. That was very nice of you. #
- RT @problogger Google are using their search results to protect people from Malware – http://t.co/RcyNBxa #
- RT @lawscomm ConnectedCOPS Blog: Social Media Handbook for Police: Part 12 http://t.co/3nzVXhe #
- #IRONIC =>I just connected my @klout account with Foursquare. Connect and see how your @klout improves! http://t.co/mFBB7fr #
- No place affords a more striking conviction of the vanity of human hopes than a public library. –Samuel Johnson #
- "In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can". Winston Churchill via @sno_buny #
- Daphne du Maurier .. I was #Tweavesdropping RT @sandikrakowski @chalenejohnson test question rebound! Who is YOUR favorite author? #
- GREAT Visual #Satire RT @blogerspayday Never try to teach a pig to fly. It wastes your time and it annoys the pig ~Mark Twain #
- @ejmusgrave1 @AroundIndy If U guys (gender neutral) are free for lunch Friday let me know. There's a groovy luncheon group meeting U'd like. #
- @ejmusgrave1 do you know @common_squirrel ? #
- RT @common_squirrel scratch scratch #
- @ejmusgrave1 @common_squirrel has a @Klout score of 68! He reminds me to not ever take myself too seriously. I <3 him. =) #
- @ejmusgrave1 I think I could get you an introduction/invitation to the Not Smaller Indiana Hole In The Wall Group =) cc @AroundIndy #
- @ejmusgrave1 I just sent you a group link on Facebook. Some Groovy peeps having lunch once a month. Have you met @aballstudios ? #
- @ejmusgrave1 haha It would probably be too low brow for U, Elizabeth! But you know some of the players. @edeckers goes every now and then. #
- @edeckers I resemble that remark. cc @ejmusgrave1 #
- @ejmusgrave1 @edeckers I know better than to use sarcasm around the two of you. #Indiana #LowBrow #NotSmallerIndiana #GroovyPeeps #
- Hey @edeckers I invited @ejmusgrave1 to the Not Smaller #Indiana HITW and that's how the #LowBrow topic was raised. #
- @ejmusgrave1 please tell @edeckers that I said only good things about the #NSIHITW peeps in our facebook convo. cc @RaeKridel @jojosmojo #
- @jojosmojo 's right @ejmusgrave1 I don't know him very well. But anyone who makes a cream pie is ok in my book. cc @edeckers @raekridel #
- @edeckers The only reason you say @jojosmojo is the best cream pie you've ever had is because you've not tried mine. cc @ejmusgrave1 #
- RT @newsongmission: @AmyStark thanks for the webinar! We will be tweeting away the day…. #
- RT @DanielUlichney Best news 2day RT @jmctigue 'Bout time RT @mike_gingerich FB 2update iPhone app addressing complaints http://t.co/VTNdpeQ #
- lol @edeckers yes #
- Thanks for the "Good Marketing Info" props, @schwedelson and for grouping me with some peeps I admire, too. #
- @edeckers #ExtremeCreamPieBakeOff H&CinBRdateTBD <= That can be the event hashtag =) cc @jojosmojo @HubbardCravens #
- @ejmusgrave1 http://t.co/xxvuSAw Not my recipe but it'll give you an idea of what an old-fashioned cream pie has in it. #
- @jojosmojo sadly I was not at #PieWars2011 but I heard it was a smashing success. =) #
- Your grandmother must've copied from my Grandma! RT @jojosmojo Invented in #Indiana perfected by my grandmother cc @ejmusgrave1 @edeckers #
- @jojosmojo #GrandmaGauntlet cc @ejmusgrave1 @edeckers #
- @ejmusgrave1 Apple Cake-Schmaple Cake. My Grandma Stark's Graham Cracker Pudding reigns supreme @jojosmojo @edeckers #HeavenOnEarth #
- Hey @BobSchloss did you change your twitter bio? If you never intend to respond to tweets – let peeps know up-front cc @newsongmission #
- @newsongmission one thing you should focus on is defining your key terms — make it easier for interested peeps to find you. #
- @newsongmission What's the hashtag for the Fall Festival? What if @BobSchloss used twitter to capture a to-do list using that hashtag? #
- Hey @NancyMyrland How are you this evening? #
- Can we incorporate this game into the #ExtremeCreamPieBakeOff please. http://t.co/jzXEicp cc @jojosmojo @ejmusgrave1 @edeckers @RockyWalls #
- @NancyMyrland What fun! I'm right there with ya, I love the family time, too. We laugh a lot. =) #
- RT @PeteOlsen Social Media for Defense: The Institute for Defense and Government Advancement (IDGA) … http://bit.ly/ptkf61 #
- @sssemester Hey Scott! Are you out there right now? #
- @FrankCunhaIII Hey Frank, how do you select your grouping for a tweet? Is it random? #
- @NancyMyrland My nephew Josh is training to be a WWF Wrestler. Enough said. =) #I lt;3MyFamily #
- I love this. RT @implausibleblog My Google+ circles include 28 in 'Friends' and 54 in 'Pretty People' – changing world! #
- @joshgillespie It's always nice seeing my name in a Daily. Especially when it relates to #Indiana =) Thanks. #
- RT @FredCuellar Serendipity Just Requires That U Show Up! 🙂 #Fredism #Quote #
- Doubt is unpleasant but certainty is absurd. – Voltaire #
- Share Playlists on Twitter with TuneBirds http://t.co/r2vXSWM via @tnwapps #
- @DanielUlichney I haven't checked it out yet, but it looked interesting enough for me to share. Let me know if you like it. #
- How to Present Online: A Skills Based Workshop http://t.co/lsB3Xcp <= FABULOUS Message and FUN to watch. Plus @1080Group is a good guy! #
- I favorited a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/P_FEZWFHTuU?a How to Present Online: A Skills Based Workshop #