- Best Political Quotes of the Weekend http://nyti.ms/lVVidw via @thecaucus #
- Great Stuff! –> 25 Inspiring Design Related Websites | Inspiration http://t.co/UsTGISQ #webdesign #inspiration via @DanielUlichney #
- The 20 colleges making the best use of #socialmedia – http://usat.ly/iiPdo8 via @USATodayCollege #
- knock knock knock… does this thing still work? #
- yes… RT @Establish87 Ever had that feeling that your wondering what a random person is thinking and what their life is like? #
- @Establish87 What's YOUR life like? #
- @MyTweetingArmy Is your name really Bob? #
- Hey @ICSC Thanks for the follow. R U connected with @DukeLong ? #
- I must be special … @USATODAYcollege just started following me. RT @USATODAYcollege #HarryPotter fans, we want you! usat.ly/ma9bzK #
- Is that on your business card? Twitter Bio RT @SandroP Autodidactic Polymath & Full-Stack Exec #
- @kmullett <hanging my head in shame> What kind of a social media community manager am I when I haven't tweeted since you posted that? #
- @aounja Hi back at ya =) #
- =) RT @ChickJustin -ish. || I've been #fb posting and tweeting so much lately -just not for myself. Wondered if anyone was still out there. #
- @ChickJustin Probably because I haven't been tweeting much. I'm sure that threw twitter off balance. =) #
- @SandroP I'm jealous. #
- Corporate blogging webinar tomorrow (6-30th) w/ two smart guys I know @DouglasKarr and @ChrisKnipper http://t.co/vTPFgNl Join us. #
- @StevenWABX define twiddle … sounds like fun. =) #
- RT @WisdomalaCarte The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.~Nelson Henderson #
- @CBalling Just now pulling up a chair to catch up on my tweet reading http://t.co/i89LHh4 #smm #strategy cc. @joshhumble @keewood #
- 78% of Executives Say Having a Social Strategy Is Critical to Future Success [Infographic] http://t.co/GxpKktn via @HubSpot #
- @CBalling Interesting piece. I agree with almost all of it and "death nail" made me LOL. Is that wrong? cc @joshhumble @keewood #
- @robbyslaughter just now reading http://t.co/xMmDWJS #
- @robbyslaughter I think Postel meant be liberal in the varied views you accept and conservative in sharing your own. Not necessarily words. #
- @robbyslaughter just because we don't accept — it doesn't negate its existence. <== there R enough negatives in there to keep U busy. =) #
- @robbyslaughter it went through my philosophy filter… as everything does. #
- @randyclarktko yes… long time no tweet… well actually that's all I do but just not for myself much lately. Ck @JustAddIce #
- two words @randyclarktko #Haiku #Contest =) User generated content #RULES #
- Hey @randyclarktko and @RobbysLaughter do you know about our webinar tomorrow with @DouglasKarr and @ChrisKnipper ? http://t.co/sR0vrdz #
- @StevenWABX I knew what you meant I just wanted to make you laugh. =) I hope all is well in #Southern #Indiana #
- @angelinaward It's a pleasure to meet you virtually, Angelina. Any friend of @CaraDafforn is a friend of mine. #
- Hey @PayrollDept @Srinjoy and @jc__russell Please accept my much belated #FF thanks. I appreciate it. #
- Where did you end up karaoking last night, @PamelaReilly1 ? I haven't been karaoking (sp?) in years! cc @CBalling http://t.co/jWe5KbE #
- @marccusters Thanks for your RT! Mighty nice of you. #
- RT @_spell @amystark 'karaoking' could be croaking, kayaking, cracking, crooking, garaging, creaking, grokking, raking, Karolina or Karoline #
- @_spell Are you a bot? Because if you are you'll be the first one I like. =) Do you scour tweets for the character string "sp?" #
- @_spell if you're not a bot I'll like you even more. #
- @ripsup Good evening! What's the good word? I hope all is well up in #Northern #Indiana. #
- @randyclarktko This is such a warm and welcoming group =) http://t.co/VnnjWXr #
- @Establish87 Those are lovely thoughts, but is that really what you were thinking when you read my question? I'm just Curious. #
- Find out how other businesses have been impacted by blogging and executing inbound marketing tactics. http://ow.ly/5tP2I Webinar TODAY! #
- WooHoo #KunoBlog Webinar with @DouglasKarr and @ChrisKnipper just started. http://ow.ly/5u29v Join us! #
- RT @tradeshowguy: #kunoblog blogging helps to fill the top of your sales funnel. #
- @chickjustin Tweetdeck couldn't handle me either. I had to move to Hootsuite. #
- @ripsup we should talk soon. How's your lovely wife? #
- Consistency is important RT @kniahynyckyj What is the opportunity cost of the lost leads when you stop blogging? #kunoblog #
- RT @jmctigue Blogging is like ripples in the pond. Your influence can spread from person to person – @DouglasKarr #KunoBlog #
- RT @jmctigue Need to reach people at different levels of interest and intent. #SM at one end and direct marketing at the other. #KunoBlog #
- #SEO is an ongoing process requiring constant analysis – @DoglasKarr [paraphrased] #KunoBlog Webinar #
- RT @kniahynyckyj Register your site so that Google and Bing know you exist #kunoblog #
- Narcissistic RT @randyclarktko @AmyStark Wow. I followed & read recents. I need to think about this. What a great twitter niche example. #
- RT @randyclarktko Make it easy for people to promote you. @douglasskarr #kunoblog #
- @dpillie I'm not sure who you're talking about but I'll wager they both deserve a hard time cc @joshgillespie #
- @joshgillespie @dpillie =) #
- @dpillie In keeping with your build someone up today theme, I started following =>@mwarner95 cc @joshgillespie #
- RT @GoPlayOurGames … Hey Amy — how'd u get sooooo many followers? -||- One tweet at a time, my friend, one tweet at a time. #
- RT @CaraDafforn seeing the blue sky through the #green leaves and the red of the sweet cherry. Green is gorgeous. #
- RT @mmhandley: How your #Twitter addiction could help you land a #job http://t.co/Su143nW (via @USNewsCareers) #
- Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. –Carl Jung #
- Hey @KristieKapow — @InnovativeSolut just started following me. Are you two connected? #
- The only twitter word art I know is T O M M Y ! ! ! and =) RT @pAmsLoVe ❤Pam (◕‿◕) ❤ Photo: http://t.co/Ewvuy9F #
- @pAmsLoVe Thanks for the follow, Pam! I think it's impossible to be a smart-ass without being smart first. Always nice to meet smart folk! #
- =) RT @jacksondelisle eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. #
- RT @RadioBrownsburg Living my dream by owning and operating a Radio station in Brownsburg, Indiana! … listen live … http://t.co/lrRoZpH #
- Hey @jmctigue @CPollittIU @ChrisKnipper @DanielUlichney @kniahynyckyj -Please excuse my bragging, but @ICANN followed me. How cool is that? #
- @DanielUlichney Thanks for the Like on #FB My fave part was "starring Vortex Bank as IBMktgFunnel" It made me smile the first time I saw it #
- RT @ICANN #ICANN Public Comment Webpages – bit.ly/irGGQZ -//- #HelpShapeTheInternetAndComment #
- @danielulichney if I do say so myself. =) #
- @icsc Thanks for the #ff shout out. That was mighty nice of you. #
- Here is an example of a tweet that deserves a gold star. Thanks! RT @icann @AmyStark We felt the same when you followed us! 😉 #
- @icsc_recon Thanks for the #FF Shout Out. That was sweet. #
- @gregcooper thanks for the recommend and grouping me with peeps like @randyclarktko I think he's a good guy, too. H&C in BR when??? #
- @chickjustin Really? I run @Hootsuite in @Firefox all day long with no probs. Could it be a connectivity issue? #
- #ff @typertist and @WebGrrrrl because they are generous and nice. We all need nice in our lives. #