Dave Woodson introduces Duke Long, Real Estate Broker from Lafayette IN.

As Duke discusses the evolution of the Lafayette TweetUps he shares a KEY TweetUp Best Practice, “Number one thing for a tweetup? Free Beer!”
To which Dave Woodson replies, “How you gettin’ the Free Beer?!?!”
Later @NatFinn shared a famous witticism,
“Because if it ain’t free…” and @DaveWoodson finished the sentiment and said,  “…it ain’t for me.”

Duke finishes by saying, “It started out with two people.”

Rather than watching the video < which is a failed attempt to capture a tweet stream during The Blog Indiana 2010 TweetUp Panel > try to unscramble the words below while listening to these words of wisdom.  You’ve got 1:34 minutes. GO!

Social Media Sites Word Scramble

1. iclkrf

2. bokcefoa

3. tahesiceykrakltrc

4. iiscoulde

5. kndeinli

6. tidred

7. tocreanthi

8. gigd

9. utbuyoe

10.  iwtetrt

Bonus Scramble=> Social Media Best Practice:

11. ghatr    Hint =>  All social media interactions should abide by the _________ principles.